Dec 2, 2022Liked by Edwin

Oh my! I loved watching Vernon in that debate. Another truth warrior is the wonderful psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Breggin who would have been in complete agreement with Vernon, in fact, in 1995, Breggin wrote a book, "Talking Back to Prozac". His most current book, along with his wife, Ginger, is "COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey". Highly recommend!

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He was spectacular on stage.

Thanks for the recommendations!

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Go, Vernon!

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Make sure you watch the prozac video!


Like you have never seen Vernon before!

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Okay, I want to go back in time and slap those other guys...

They barely let Vernon get two words in! But he was great. ^_^

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He was!

I still don't believe he stood in for the Stig. But I could be wrong.

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What's the Stig...?

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The Stig is a character from the British motoring television show Top Gear. Created by former Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson and producer Andy Wilman, the character is a play on the anonymity of racing drivers' full-face helmets, with the running joke that nobody knows who or what is inside the Stig's racing suit. The Stig's primary role is setting lap times for cars tested on the show. Previously, he has occasionally been impersonated by Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button, and reportedly, even Nigel Mansell.

He has no face

He is terrified of Scouts

The drinks cabinet in his car contains 14 different types of custard

His favourite T-shirt has a picture of a T-shirt

He is afraid of bells

He is confused by stairs

He never blinks

He naturally faces magnetic north

He has a digital face

He will charge you if you attempt to remove his helmet

He paid a 20,000 pound expenses claim for some gravel for his moat

When he sees a woman, his third leg will go up

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Love dat English humor, bro. ^_^

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I love it as your are spreading the word about Vernon!

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I almost forgot.


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Thank you for the link; as for me, I've been checking it out on a daily basis for years. Sadly, he is not as active now as he used to be. It comes with age, I guess...

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The Prozac video is a must watch. (His website)

Vernon: "The quality of drug company testing is abysmal."

He was right then and he is right now!

He gets riled up in this video and it is a beautiful thing.

I'm still not sold that he has stood in for the Stig!

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Can you post the link, please? I don't watch videos; my wife does. :)

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It is priceless.

Your wife will love it!

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And a lot of other people, too. Vernon usually publishes transcript to his videos, which I do read.

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"My NHS Book a Staggering Success – Thank You!"


Many thanks to the two readers who bought copies of my book NHS: What’s Wrong and How to Put it Right after my article yesterday. In the book, you’ll no doubt be surprised to hear, I explain what is wrong with the NHS and how to put right what’s wrong.

I make 9 pence royalty on every book sold.

So, that’s a total of 18 pence on its way to the bank.

(As readers know I have never monetised my videos and we charge no fees for the website. No ads are allowed either. So this 18 pence is something of a windfall.)

I am blocked and suppressed everywhere (as well as being banned from all mainstream media and all social media) so two books sold is pretty exciting these days.

And the conspirators will think they can starve us to death by blocking my website.

But here in Uganda we can buy a four course meal for two (with a lovely bottle of wine) for eighteen pence. And have plenty left over for a generous tip and a taxi ride home.

So, we’re laughing all the way to the restaurant.

If anyone else would like to buy a copy (and to put another 9 pence into our bank account) you can buy the book from the bookshop (For reasons beyond my control there is no eBook available.)

If eleven people were to buy copies I’d make nearly a whole Great British pound in royalties!

I just don’t know what we’d do with all that much money at once.

I think we’ll probably just have a month long Christmas blow out and invest the rest.

P.S. There’s a video of me appearing on a TV show in 1993 available in the videos section of this website. But beware – the language gets a trifle fruity. Back in 1993, the national newspapers got a page lead out of my bad language. These days I wouldn’t be reported in the mainstream papers if I threw a blancmange at the Prime Minister.

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