Edwin, have you thought about setting up a Give-Send-Go for the repair of that old man's boiler? At least get him a butt heater for his chair. Send him our blessings in the mean time.

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No, I really haven't, I'm in no shape to have another depend on me, it's breaking me to have my 2 granddaughters here, as much as I love their company.

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May I take issue with one thing mentioned in this video,

it was alleged that 19 hijackers caused all the damage on 9/11/2001

however no airliner ever flown could have done as was reported by the media.

( consider well { KE=.5M(V^2) } the penetration of walls as was alleged, could not possibly have been.

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Well, the rumors on Building 7 were not a conspiracy, but fact. It was a controlled demolition papered over by the media the best they could. Would love to know the real story. Maybe some day.

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we may never really get the whole complete story, however it can be KNOWN that the official story = FRAUD.

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