Good advice! Unfortunately with consumer advertising for prescription drugs, and the overwhelming health messages from big Pharma and big medicine we no longer listen to our body, but we listen to the BS that is being promulgated by those who profit!

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My understanding of my body to a tee. Instinctive, not instructed in it. Has always seemed like common sense to me.

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Jun 23Liked by Edwin

Dr. George Sheehand said the same back in the 70s. Taught runners how to listen to their bodies and communicate with the Dr when injured. My Dr I as sure thinks I am a nut. Been self diagnosing for years. I just don’t think the average person has that ability. To listen, they hear procedures.

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The average doc surely doesn’t, they have proved that in spades.

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NO WATER FOR FARMERS, BUT FOR A LITHIUN BATTERY FIRE? 17 days to put out. 40 firefighters and a San Diego County hazardous materials crew on the scene.

Fire in Otay Mesa puts battery storage projects under scrutiny and neighborhoods on edge

A fire at a battery storage facility in Otay Mesa is out — but the stubborn nature of the blaze has sparked opposition from some residents about the relative safety of at least three other battery projects that developers want to build in other parts of San Diego County.

Renewable energy supporters say battery facilities are essential to meet California’s goals to develop a carbon-free electric grid. State policymakers and battery companies say the risk of future fires will decrease over time, counting on technological improvements in battery chemistries and better designs at the facilities housing the batteries.

According to Cal Fire, the fire at the Gateway Energy Storage facility in an industrial park in Otay Mesa broke out at 3:45 p.m. on May 15. The blaze was centered in one of the seven buildings at the 250-megawatt site that stores lithium-ion batteries to help bolster the state’s electric grid.

Though relatively rare, lithium-ion batteries have experienced instances of what’s called “thermal runaway,” in which excessive heat leads to a chemical reaction that spreads to other batteries. “A lithium-ion battery fire involves all four of (those classes) — all four of them together,” he said.


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YUCK! Bill Gates Launches ‘Maggot Milk’ to Feed General Public

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has launched a new project that seeks to introduce “maggot milk” into the food supply of the general public.

The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots.

The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators.

“It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” a promotional video claims.

Gates and his allies argue that EntoMilk should replace traditional dairy milk because farming allegedly destroys the planet.


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I was taught how to lift in my first factory job. I popped the first disc pushing a heavy school door open. At nearly 76 I've learned a good back brace is a necessity.

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Cravings could be your body telling you something. Something missing in your diet. Pregnant women know a little about cravings, so do their partners. I don’t know how many times I had to fetch raspberry sherbet and bean with bacon soup. Oh, and pickles. Fermented foods are teeming with nutrients

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I learned to be observant, and not to comment unless asked, by the bunches a pregnant females I saw in the pharmacy. Much to learn here.

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I learned most of these and a few other lessons over time. Good advice and reminders.

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Thank you for your wisdom.

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Thank you all for the restack, Alex, Nancy Moore, Duke1832, John Steiglitz, Annika Smith-Chauseuil (known as Annika from here on), and my old buddy Brandon, and for reading, he's a pretty good doctor considering how thing turned out, don't you think.

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Brandon, thanks for the restack, and the reading, comments, you are always there, good buddy. I thank you and appreciate it.

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Amarie, Keith, let me thank you both for the restack, as well as reading, I appreciate it.

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CoffeeCup_7, thanks for the restack, and reading the article, I appreciate it.

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Sharon, let me take this opportunity to thank you for the restack, as well as reading the article. It is greatly appreciated. Again, thank you.

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Sues, Amy, thank you for the restacks, and reading this great man's words. Sure is appreciated.

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