
Not altogether a highly flattering profile, wouldn't you say?

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Thanks for reporting this information. I can't believe what I am reading. She's worse than I thought!

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Yes, not at all what she seems, and I will admit, I like her! She is a very 'likable' character, deadly as the snake in the Garden of Eden. I guess, in a way, that's why I'm glad I don't like Trump, but love him as a leader.

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Why don't you like Trump? You find Tulsi more likeable. For some reason, I never did. Now, I know why.

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Trump is himself, a brash non nonsense NYC businessman, Tulsi is hypnotic, it screams conwoman, but is still hypnotic.

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I'll take the brash non nonsense NYC businessman any day :-)

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You and me, both!

I'm like the gal in the 'My Pillow" commercial, "I do not like President Trump, I love President Trump."

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Me too

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But, I don't see Trump being as bad as Tulsi. If, what you write about her, is true. She is trouble.

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Trump is a natural leader, winner, commander. We shouldn't like him, but we should love him!

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May 6Liked by Edwin

My thoughts exactly! I knew she was a Dem but this shows her as a devout communist, a viewpoint I have always been firmly against. This also exposes Dennis Kucinich as well as another commie sympathizer.

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Right....shows both as Communists. Kucinich was RFK, Jr.'s finance man. Now, I hear he's running for the US Congress again. If Kucinich is a Communist, what about his friend John Kasich? He couldn't stand Trump during the 2016 Election. Is Kasich a Communist, too? Then Arnold is connected to all 3. So, wonder what gives?

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I knew something was up with her. She spoke 2A all too well. If it seems to good to be true, then it probably is.

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Note to self; don't trust any politician! What does a politician and a prostitute have in common? They screw you for your money!

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So true!

At least the prostitute gives you something (maybe VD).

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lol Edwin

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Tell me then, why in the world would Bannon have her on his show? I never trusted her from the beginning.

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Bannon is not what he seems, is all I can say.

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We have got to stop taking people at face value, particularly the TV profile of them, especially the TV profile that is often presented nowadays.

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It is how they live their private lives, we need to look at. Plenty of generous stories about Trump, if they were not all removed from Foogle or DDG. When DDG doesn't turn up what I need I look at https://metager.org/. And I hate paywalls this sometimes brings them up but the IP address is different. https://12ft.io/. My email addy is attached to many articles I read, and just taking out the ? doesn't work.

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Edwin....Bannon is having Tulsi on his show now: Friday, May 17, 2024. Hasn't anyone told him that she is a Communist?

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I’m sure he knows, but you’ve got to get those ratings, Tucker has Vladimir Putin on his show, didn’t he know he was talking to a former KGB agent. You would think that the KGB guy who lost Germany and of course the rest of the former Warsaw Pact to the west would be in big trouble, instead they make him dictator for life.

“Putin is not spreading his ideology for two a very important reason. Marx and Lenin expressly stated that communism is not an “ideology.” It is the science of managing mankind’s affairs. And the best way you can do that is with deception…. You will have nothing and you will be happy IS Marxism. He spreads communism through agents in the West like Klaus Schwab. Khrushchev said that they would feed us communism little by little until we became communists without even realizing it. To help this process along the Soviet Union was disassembled. It caused them some trouble, but it worked admirably. And if you are watching, Putin’s armies are putting up statues of Lenin and Soviet flags in conquered Ukrainian territory. And if you bothered to follow Putin closely, you would know that he has said he is a “Christian,” and he added that Christianity is the same as Leninism. He has also said that he never burned his Party card because he liked communist ideas. He gave a speech to the World Festival of Youth and Students, the largest communist youth organization on Earth, on the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, and said he was with them, that he believed in them. He gives free grain to communist Cuba, is building bases for communist Nicaragua, has sent troops to communist Venezuela, is allied with communist China….”


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That's what I've been hearing?

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May 6·edited May 6Author

Ranger71, thanks for the restack. You guys and gals are the best.

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