
He has "no idea."

Friggin' idiots, says it all.

Can we get an adult in the room?

Pretty please, pretty please with a cherry on top!

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Apr 26Liked by Edwin

NASA in Hebrew means "deceive." I could end this comment here but wait, there's more!! Space is fake, the ISS is a ginormous swimming pool in Houston, the earth is a flat plane (ever wonder where the "T-minus" comes from? Plane+T so T minus = plane. We have been lied to on an epic scale. My whole world view has been flipped on its head smh. People in congress must take a blood oath to satan himself to conceal all these lies our society has been propped up on. SJL no exception. But the veil is lifting folks and better days are coming. Sadly not everyone will be around to witness the beautiful world that awaits us after the tribulations. I hope some substackers are left who can write about it so I can comment on it lol. Sorry this is all over the place but that's where my head is at since my great awakening. May Our Creator have mercy on us all, even the ones who've rebuked Him🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿 My people perish for lack of knowledge.

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If the moon is just gas, how did they land rockets on it and walk on it, pick up rocks, and bring them back to Earth? Or plan to build a colony on it. It does lack the necessary quantities of the air humans breathe. But Mars has water???? What a tablespoon of it?

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Apr 26Liked by Edwin

Fail and pass has been fatal to meritocracy.

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Apr 26Liked by Edwin

"Idiocracy" wasn't written by Nostradamus was it?

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Everyone knows the moon is made of green cheese

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Apr 26Liked by Edwin

Another educated idiot who says whatever he is allowed to say. It's the ONLY way to keep his paychecks coming.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Edwin

The piece is diminished by the gratuitous Israel hate thrown in. I'm surprised Ethan had time to write this while encamped at Columbia with fellow Jew haters. Eeesh, the haters revealing themselves now.

As for Nelson, he's always been a slithery slimy stupid man. Silver spoon life that so many ignorant arrogant people in positions of power come from. He even claimed he lost his Senate race in Florida because of 'Russian hacking.' When he shared the top of the Florida D ticket with Andrew Gillum, the literal, actual, crack whore who DeSantis barely beat in 2018. He's a crook with a snake's smile. And whether or not the moon is a hologram he proved he doesn't know science.

But, really, why include Israel in the piece? It's actually quite ignorant of Ethan. Saying Israel controls the US is like saying a tail controls the dog. Israel is a part of the US, not separate. It's the part of the US created and controlled by the CIA, not the other way around. Dulles grabbed the land after WWII. And has used it to serve the CIA's interests ever since. Uses Jews as human shields there. If you're tempted to say Israel controls US policy try saying the CIA controls US policy instead; it's operationally and at its core the same. Pretending Israel is a separate force of conniving Jews is what the CIA wants you to do. Blame-shift anger away from the true culprit: the US and CIA that controls it. But then Jew haters wouldn't get to steep in their Jew hatred that feeds their dark souls.

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We no longer have an expectation that the head of a major government organization should have expertise in their field. Jennifer Granholm is head of the Department of Energy which is the Atomic Energy Commission rebranded with extra. In my youth it was always lead by a prominent nuclear scientist, The head of the Bureau of Land Management at the time of the Bundy Ranch incident was a political hack who probably knew little of land, biology, botany, ranching or management.

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The politicians from both parties (Repubturds and the DemonRats) are not only embarrassing and stupid on a national and world stage, they are corrupt, which makes them even more dangerous! They know a whole lot about nothing which makes them frauds and I just love when they turn on the Kabuki Theatre on television (especially around election season) so that they can justify their relevance.

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I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

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May 2Liked by Edwin

They're deranged mongrels...

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May 1Liked by Edwin

Another reason for them to swindle more money from the ignorant.

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Lee is an idiot. Too stupid to just keep her mouth shut.

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Apr 28Liked by Edwin


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There are no educational requirements for being a politician because they were not intended to have the power that they now have. Return the power to the people. Oops, there’s that education problem again.

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