
"The ripe stink of corruption is everywhere. I trusted authority for most of my life.

Now I ask myself on a daily basis how I ignored the stench for so long."

We all are, Neil. Some more than others, but we all are.

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“But because the human ego is loathe to admit it’s been duped, many patriotic Democrats will continue allowing themselves to be led like sheep into the closing noose of the hammer and sickle. By the time they realize what happened, it will be too late.”

--John Eidson

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I was always cynical. Probably waaaay too much...

1973, age 13, I knew something horribly wrong when Roe v Wade came down. Baby murder.

September 1974, age 14, when supposed Catholic nuns told us we were gonna do project on 5 great religious. Catholic Church teaches 1 true religion.

I am surprised by things, but I kinda know deception going on.

Our Lady of Fatima, lf My requests are not heeded... Russia will spread its errors...

This was in 1917. Errors of Russia? Communism. From Catholic vantage point... She was dead on.

White House, Vatican, British, almost every country. School boards, county health depts

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What a fantastic piece. EVERYONE should read this

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If you are dependent on a social system in any way, you are institutionalized to some degree. In other words, I'm not sure it is ever possible to be truly free because no matter where you are or what status you have in life, there will be some rules to play by. You have some ability to choose which rules to play by (some much more than others, including those who do so unjustly). Ultimately, it is not man's rules that are the most important. My focus is accepting this notion, deciding which of man's rules I can play by, which I will not, and which rules are worth fighting against because they are simply unjust.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Edwin

In the immortal words of Mark Twain...

"It's easier to fool a man, than to convince a man he has been fooled!!"

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Once people keep accepting nonsense like "men can become pregnant" and "you need to be a biologist to tell the difference between a man and a woman," sooner or later they can become so ashamed that they stop thinking. After that, they are wide open for manipulation. All they monsters have to give them is a little hope in order to keep them docile, and the technocrats can do whatever they want to do to such people. Such hope usually dished out as an alternative to fear and tells people that their being informed will turn the tide:


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The US Constitution was written because people as individuals DO have inalienable rights and that government tends to be hostile to those rights.

Those "in power" by and large hold that power in violation of the Constitution.

Ours is not a "federal" government but a "post federal" one.

The only question is whether or not the ballot box is sufficient for us to reclaim our inalienable rights or if we must resort to the cartridge box.

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