Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

Who the devil was it?

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

What the devil was the name

Of the confident voice of the establishment

Who insisted (with a superior sneer)

That covid would kill us all

If we did not have the jab?

Was it a politician,

A government scientist

(One with links to the pharmaceutical industry)

Or a criminally ignorant pundit with no knowledge

But plenty of conviction?

Maybe it was a singer

A self-appointed expert on the

Joys of vaccination. Or perhaps an actor from the movies

Or some television series.

Could it have been a doctor,

Nicely coiffed and smooth as silk,

On the television?

Or an opinionated host

With a million, loyal radio listeners?

Was it a he?

Or was it a she?

I really cannot remember

But whoever they were, they’re dead now

Killed by the very jab they so wanted us to have

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

I can believe this In my opinion

So many businesses have suffered because of Women the Me Too movement is run by Mysandrist women that hate men Even the BBC and Media are swamped with women I am a women and am appalled to see how the emancipation of men has played out …

Don’t get me wrong I applaud Women that have done fantastic jobs myself included I would rather a man as my Doctor than any woman Doctor

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I’ve been a residency director of an ob/ gyn program, all women. It was a disaster. More excuses to not come to work, which includes surgeries, deliveries, clinic time and emergency room calls and hospital consultations. Excuse after excuse , but they sure wanted to graduate on time , even when they did not have enough cases to graduate.

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I would like to preface , I few bad apples didn’t spoil the whole bunch . Many female physicians played by the rules and did their job. The ones that were bad honestly should have never graduated. The system is very hard to get rid the evil doers .

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There is a show called "CALL THE MIDWIFE" that takes you through pregnancy and delivery via trained Midwives in the poor sections of England. Progresses to the use of Thalidomide for morning sickness and the deformed babies, the pill, and Abortion. Sanitation in rat/bug-infested low-end housing. And use of the hospital, C-sections, and other issues that arise. It includes STDs. But the end result was Socialized medicine. It has been interesting to watch how they transformed healthcare in England, one step at a time, till now it is accepted as normal.

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

rather have a woman as my ob/byn dr, but other than that I lean toward a male dr but not 100%

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

My experience regarding physicians is with psychiatrists. The females were more brutal. A couple had the reputation of not liking men but their male patients weren’t advised of this as they turned their brains over these women to alter their personalities either psychoactive drugs.

That said, there were also some deeply disturbed men and no one should take those drugs.

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psychiatrists or psych majors are always disturbed people to begin with!

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The whole psych department was started by a sick man so why wouldn’t the sickness carry on with his work?

My experience as a psych major was to be surrounded by people trying to fix themselves by projecting their trauma onto someone else.

It felt a whole lot better than admitting I had the problem.

But that’s the rub. Once we admit we are the problem, we own our power.

I would guess that if that small fact were dispensed instead of drugs, we’d all be a lot happier and have good mental health.

Of course who would go back to a psychiatrist who started with telling a patient that truth? There would be no second visit except by the courageous who truly wanted to heal.

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I spent 4 weeks as a pharmacy major in the psych ward, it convinced me to specialize in something simple, like diabetes(!!), or oncology.

I was the only student to fail the MMPI, they said I was psychotic, not bad, just psychotic. I made the most of it, wheelchair races in the absurdly long walk-way from medicine, should have let them have a look at my motorcycle skills, but why ruin it.

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And Abigail, thank your dear lady, for the restack, reading and comments. All appreciated.

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A friend's niece here in the US is a doc and she had to do the same impossible hours as her male colleagues - on call for 24 hours straight, hospital for 48 hours etc. which I think is totally irresponsible. I would not want to have to go to hospital in the 47th hour on shift of that doc. I even think 12 hours for nurses are a no-no. But for the rest, I agree. If you want the job, you got to cope with its disadvantages. I know several doctors here who work 4 days a week, starting at 10 and done at 5, who go on holiday 4 times a year, sometimes for 2 months (one from India). And if you go to the doc you may see the head nurse and 4 or 5 other nurses, and no doc at all. At the old office I saw the male doc the 3 times I went there. The last time I went to a female, first they were not going to call her in at all, then they did and she has been bitching at me for the full 3 minutes. Then wanted to prescribe 3 forever meds. No thanks.

I prefer a male doc if I ever go to see one. They seem to be better listeners and less bitching !

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Seem to be is an illusion, do they really listen? The patient knows nothing, they don't even get the symptom they are supposed to be having, right (??).

In the 80's I noticed this, reviewing Dr charts, always trying to determine Haldol instead of Dalmane, patients still looked up to Drs, stupidly.

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lost trust in docs early on. I was a kid in the 60s with an over protective mom, been given gazillions of antibiotics until at age 14 I got allergic to them and had pneumonia. Thankfully we happened upon a great lung specialist, who used non-prescription meds to heal me.

After that I experimented with herbs a lot. In the last 20 years I also used a lot of homepathic stuff. Doc is lucky to see me once every 5 or so years. Now it will be even longer!

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

When I go to my internist's office, the nurse will remark that I haven't been there for a very long time. I tell her that nothing was a problem until I came in that day. I belong to a concierge practice but why go just to go? :)

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Edwin

Allopathic doctors treat symptoms with pharmaceuticals. Rarely do they treat causes, or prescribe regimens that involve non-pharma compounds. Rarely do they consider diet (other than for the obvious 300 pound lardlocked patients). This applies equally to the male and female doctors with whom I have interacted for 76 years in the USA.

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

I agree with most of this. I worked as a lab tech in a small hospital for 20 yrs and we had 15-17 workers with one male. It's pretty much a female dominated career. We were expected to work all shifts, do call etc. We worked out among us to get the time off we needed. If we'd have had some of excuses they give now, we'd have been asked if we wanted a job or what??? Left the lab due to some health issues and went into IT. For the last 20+ years I've worked as a network engineer for a solutions provider. Same rules - come to work as expected. Fast forward to today - My IT job is primarily male dominated - however, we have several maile workers who can't go out of town, take call, etc as they are a single dad or that's the week they have the kids. Honestly that wouldn't have been acceptable during my lab days and we did have a couple single Mom's... we just worked it out among us with them. My husband had a flexible job or was self employeed and we had backup day care. And daycare was much more flexible back then (I often say daycare runs the show unless you are in a setting with multiple workers). In shsort - I'd like to see more males in the professional fields, but women should be allowed also but not to the extent that they appear to be the majority. Anyway, my rant.

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How America’s medical system has become totally woke: https://nypost.com/2024/02/17/opinion/americas-medical-system-has-become-totally-woke/

SOME MEMES: https://covidsteria.substack.com/t/health-care-memes

HEALTHCAREsteria: Best Healthcare Memes (Woke & Broken!)

A doctor’s visit summed up, Twitter doctors, how to become a doctor these days, the American healthcare system in one meme, American "medical experts" and more health care memes!


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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

Per your first link: I tried to comment but evidently comment time ended.

I agreed with his take on medical schools but NOT his statement on cv19 shots.

Here’s my comment that wouldn’t “post”:

“During the pandemic, this resulted in widespread vaccine hesitancy on the political right, which cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Politics — not “misinformation” — was the problem here.”

Totally disagree with this statement by the author.

“Hesitancy” by conservatives was common sense; we didn’t (& don’t) trust experimental injections which had no data backing up efficacy nor safety.

We saw manipulation of entire process.

Thank God for brave doctors & researchers who used their knowledge, expertise, & experience to question these shots; they warned of the harms of spike protein & the mRNA delivery system. Rightfully so as we see the fallout every day.

When the medical “profession” joined hips with Big Pharma true patient care died. My family doctor who delivered me & cared for me & my family until he died would never treat his patients as they are subjected to today. For one he warned against too freely prescribed antibiotics (which my contemporaries received for every cold), saying doing so could result in ineffectiveness when a person truly needed an antibiotic.

I changed doctors after covid because of ones I’d previously trusted spouting the lockstep narrative of corporate medicine & Big Pharma.

So yes, DEI (Didn’t Earn It), liberal leftists, Obamacare (where everyone, everything is tracked & monitored) have all ruined healthcare. We don’t have well-care or healthcare; we have sick care. “

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Jun 15Liked by Edwin

I've always preferred male doctors, now I know why. Thank you!!!

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You are very welcome.

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Jun 25Liked by Edwin

Good analysis. However, I think it all started with "Carry on Doctor"...💪💥🎯

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For women Equality only has to happen for the GOOD parts of the things...

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Are Fauci and Collins and Bourla women? Seems to me that they, and their billion-dollar-firehouse, have done more damage to medicine than any woman you can name.

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Thanks for the restack, John, appreciate it.

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Thanks Martha, Marie, Ottonemo1, for the restacks, its appreciated as is reading, and commenting, tell me if you want, or not.

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Ray M., Alex, thanks for the restacks, I sure appreciate it.

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