Miley betrayed his oath of office, which is to protect and defend the Constitution from all threats and obey the commands of officers above him.

I believe the president is the commander in chief. At the very least, Miley needs to be demoted back to major. He can't be trusted with the military.

The democrats that have been lying about this travesty should be arrested and tried for treason, sedition, and violating the rights of the J6 prisoners.

The Media needs to be shut down and retrained in how to do their jobs. Better yet, gather a random set of bloggers, they can do a better job.

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This post and the actions of Pelosi deserve to go to CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NPR..But we know it won't. Milley, led a coup against the country. The, now, DisUnited States of America crossed the line from the cold civil war of the Obama era to the Hot Civil War of the third Obama term.

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“Miller lacked the confidence to silence a subordinate of Milley’s stature”

probably because Miller was a retired colonel. woulda. coulda. shoulda. the man in the ring. hindsight. 20/20. reasons for only elected and appointed civilians to be in charge to give and ensure “lawful orders” are given and executed.

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“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi…her filmmaker daughter Alexandra”


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“the proudly woke Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs”


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Putting it mildly as possible, TREASON!

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The effect of Marxist ideology.

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“Let me tell you,” Senate leader Chuck Schumer warned the president-elect days before his 2017 inauguration, “you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.” As President Trump learned, the Pentagon has its ways too.

redundant. pentagram. ic. blob. same. same.

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“Loudermilk’s suggestion that worry about ‘optics’ caused the delay is too generous by a half.”

more like 3/4 to 1. duty. moral courage.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks Ahmed, for the restack and comments.

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Abigail, thanks for the restack.

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Clause 1

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

That's a really high hurdle to make in court. Adhering to their enemies requires that they be "enemies" and a lawyer will tell you that requires a finding by congress or a declaration of war.

See "Treason" is a word bandied about with great enthusiasm by people who have never researched what it takes to get a conviction on that charge in the US. Trust me, Milley wouldn't get convicted on that charge.

Article 92, article 94, arguably articles 132, 133, and 134 of the UCMJ on the other hand, might be applied.

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so charge Milley with jaywalking, I don't care, just put his commie a$$ where the sun don't shine for the rest of his days.

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