Bright red blood in the urine is usually either kidney stones, or a UTI. Both are easily treated. Everything else should have been indicative of something in the brain. A lumbar puncture should be routine in cases like that.

However, physicians no longer diagnose the actual illness, they treat symptoms.

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I am so sorry for your troubles

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My family not in good shape either, listened to Fauci over their daughter/sister…

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Sep 3Liked by Edwin

So sad

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Thank you Edwin, for posting this. Dear Dr Coleman has had more than his share of the awful "apathetic and negligent" medical establishment!

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Sep 3Liked by Edwin

What a nightmare for your mum, your dad, and you. I'm so sorry you had to deal with such incompetence. I'm dumbfounded!

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Sep 2·edited Sep 3Liked by Edwin

The doctors have not improved in all these decades. And it's not easy to write about what you an educated man went through.

I had my granddaughter the 6 year old for half an hour, while my idiot son went and got a tire fixed. I hugged/held her, and told her she did Not have to take anymore shots, and they can't Force her to, her body doesn't like any of them, Tell the Dr. NO they make me sick. If parents or dr tries to force you to have one, HAVE ONE of her temper tantrums. They call them panic attacks. That the dr had NO right to give her shots that make her sick, and sicker. I'm to the point of calling Child Welfare. The FFT sister is now 9 lbs, not much of a gain in a month. As for my thoughts the 2 idiots she will call parents, are not fit to raise either. I'm to old with my own healt issues.

I diagnosied my Fibromyalgia out of a couple of med books in a small library no net then. Same with the Gastropresis only with the net. Gastro never considered it.

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Terrible sadness.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Elusive1, thanks for the restack.

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Sharon, Amy, thanks for the restacks.

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Thanks Elsie, for the restack.

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Thanks Kevin, for the restack.

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