Chemtrails frequently seen all over Yorkshire, England. I tell people to look up and point out the array of man-made patterns that disperse from a trail into a hazy cloud obliterating the blue sky. Yet people look at me like I am crazy. Wilful blindness of indoctrinated minds.... so disappointing, but also scary.

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

Same in Ireland..been raining since last July..it’s either cloudy windy or rainy or cloudy/windy then rain and wind..if the sun appears it’s like a disco ball..hazy with no warmth..Try to get ppl to look but they ‘have eyes that don’t see’ very sad..🙏🏽

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

They never learned their clouds in school—or never paid attention!

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

“Now that solar engineering has started it can never ever stop. There will always have to be planes flying around sprinkling their death dust in the stratosphere.”

LOL what a silly statement.

As if humans will last forever! 🤣

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Indeed -- and confusing. Does anyone know the rationale behind that statement?

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Yep! This Monday morning the chemtrails were back. Here in midwest Minnesota they have been absent for a few days, but they're back.

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They’re back here in Commifornia as well. It would be interesting to keep a journal of the times/days we notice these chemtrails. When I see beautiful, blue sky, I know “they” have a day off! 🤪

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

maybe this will extend the life of the solar panels???

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Our sky in Alabama is pretty blue most of the time.

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Prelude to black clouds that envelop this beautiful green blue plant and return the earth to a pile of rocks. It is a race between a 100% deadly bio weapon versus an atomic war! Humanity has to wake up to the fact that hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs are many times more deadly than the atomic bombs dropped on the cities in Japan. They should also understand that Russian and American nuclear submarines are actively cruising the depths of the oceans and play cat and mouse with each other. Then we have a President with a red button who may mistake it for calling the kitchen for an ice cream cone. Pray!

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I will pray!

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In the 70s it was global cooling, now it's gobal warming, someone is pulling a SCAM.

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

I have been telling ppl here in N.Ireland..to ‘look up’ when they complain about weather! Oh it’s just our climate! IT IS NOT..It has been ‘raining’ since last July..It’s either cloudy..raining..windy..grey..or lots of windy cloudy. When sun shows up it’s late afternoon but there is NO warmth in sun.. Using heating in June. It’s criminal.. No Vit D from sun now..🙏🏽

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That's just the beginning. Bill Gates, the computer thief and waste of farmland, wants to put a shade between the earth and the sun.

These people are so damned stupid. Without the sun, every green thing dies, then shortly afterwards, so do we.

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Thanks for the restacks, you're the best.

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Thanks for the restack, guys and gals, & thanks for reading,

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