Isn’t it happening already to some degree? Grocery store shelves in Japanese supermarkets are bare where a short while ago several variety of the grain were displayed in abundance. Prices are putting and increasingly large number of items out of reach of more and more consumers. Many items have bend limited for purchase by a single buyer. I cannot recall now what, but there has been a number of such cases in the Tokyo area lately.

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It is happening to a degree, ask anybody who has been to the grocery store!

It’s good to hear from you, Kitsune.

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I have just raked the SD at school. Doubt she’ll strike her colors, but as the battle is now public, I wonder how this will end. I know that part of the issue is from the MD who heads the educational activities for the doctors at the school. However, I doubt anyone can argue that 12 working hours is enough time to respond to any inquiry on any topic, nor the less than 16 she gave me a week later.

All guns double shotted, boarding parties mustered and armed, I plan to lay alongside for the final broadside and then board unless they strike their colors.

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You would think that the democrats and their socialist allies would study history.

Communism has never worked without killing millions of people.

You can't price control items without those items losing value.

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They have. The deaths you are worried about are part of their plan.

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Crony capitalism, crisis capitalism, all these qualifiers are irrelevant: capitalism is inherently predatory and self-serving. Cronyism didn’t kill millions in Asia fighting godless “communism” (and losing, but not until a beloved president was gunned down for talking peace, and millions upon millions of peasants were blown apart for the Democracy we so cherish today.)

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Capitalism also doesn’t “work” without killing millions of people. You haven’t noticed?

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No, capitalism is fine, crony capitalism is just like Communism, which kills tens of millions.

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Isms use people like you to shore them up with specious theories and ideology loft sniping from the bushes. Yup The military industrial complex is a pure product of untethered capitalism, feeding ouroboros-like on the self-replicating frequencies of fear and suffering. Only capitalism could produce the wealth of these block-out-the-sun billionaires spreading death and misery everywhere they go.

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Oh so cancer is fine, but lung cancer and prostate cancer are the bad guys.

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Capitalism lifted the world out of poverty, crony capitalism is nothing but Communism which killed tens of millions.

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Capitalism lifts itself out of poverty. Capitalism CREATES poverty to take advantage of low wages. Never been in a sweatshop have you?

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It can be recalled that Musk was tricked into supporting his son Xavier’s determination to “transition” into a woman. “It wasn’t explained to me how puberty blockers are actually sterilization drugs. I lost my son essentially,” Musk told Jordan Petersen while sharing his heartbreaking account of the consequences of puberty blockers. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/elon-musk-gives-heartbreaking-account-how-he-was/

This is what the Democrats want for America’s children.


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Exactly, RepubliCONS too, no reproduction!

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On January 12, 1944, the very first Victory Ship, named the United Victory, was launched. The world-class SS American Victory was built in 55 days and was delivered to the U.S. War Shipping Administration by the California Shipbuilding Yard on May 24, 1945. Granted not top notch.Unions slow the building of all things the Military needs.

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'Making peoples' lives hell': When he couldn't pay for cancer treatment, the hospital sued

In North Carolina, a state hard hit by the national crisis of medical debt, Terry Belk has spent 20 years struggling to get free of "this ... anvil I'm dragging around."


“I’ve been battling this for over 20 years,” Belk, 68, said of his medical debt. “This has been like an albatross around my neck, like an anvil I’m dragging around every day.”

Americans owe at least $220 billion in medical debt, according to KFF, a nonprofit health policy research, polling and news organization. The top three states for medical debt are South Dakota, where 18% of the population is affected, followed by Mississippi at 15% and Belk’s home state of North Carolina at 13%, KFF says. The burden of medical debt has contributed to financial anxiety among voters and has become an issue in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Medical debt is a “problem that is uniquely American,” said Berneta Haynes, senior attorney at the National Consumer Law Center, a nonprofit organization, and an expert on the topic. “Even if you have insurance, if you have chronic health conditions that require you to interface more often with the health care system, you are putting yourself at greater risk for medical debt every single time you make" an appointment.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Edwin

Stagflation to Depression come next. It is only mentioned in 1 article I've seen. Kudlow has called it.He like us are old enough to remember Nixion's price controls and the disaster they were. As far baxk as May. The economy could be heading toward 1970s-style stagflation. What it means for the stock market. Some economists have downplayed the idea of stagflation. Chief among them is Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, who said during a press conference following the central bank’s April policy meeting that there was no sign of stagflation in the economy, even as inflation remained stubbornly high and some signs of slowing growth started to emerge. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-economy-could-be-heading-toward-1970s-style-stagflation-what-it-means-for-the-stock-market-100e72f8.

Mises Wire

What Is Stagflation and What Causes It? https://mises.org/mises-wire/what-stagflation-and-what-causes-it

Remembering Nixon’s Wage and Price Controls https://www.cato.org/commentary/remembering-nixons-wage-price-controls

The signs are all there all 10 of them. Your freezing old people was spot on. Especially with the "Green Deal" stoping drilling, mining. and fracking halting them. Our homes are geared to natural gas. Most Fire places are Gas logs. The Grid is strained. We won't need a nuke or solar EMP when it collapses.

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Communism tells us it can fix our problems--relieve us of the burden of working so hard, but then they start to stifle our economy--which is us trading with each other. And so it begins . . .

Communism first cuts off creativity in--so there's no growth.

Communism cuts us off from our soul--so there's no joy.

Things that are cut off from their soul--die.

That's why the fruits of this ideal is alway death.

The fruits of communism are death.

Abortion--gender reassignment(death of future children), their education system--death of critical thinking, and anyone who is against them--needs to die.

Woke entertainment--death of Hollywood.

Pharmaceuticals--death by degrees.

Death of family--Welfare.

Death of our best and brightest--war.

Their fashion gives us rags to wear, and the black fingernail polish of death.

Death is the one promise communism always keep.

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I read Jeffery Tucker. Great help in my understanding of the reset.

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I have my parents war ration books

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You should write an article & post them!

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Sep 15Liked by Edwin

In about 1956 or 1947 my war widow mother had to buy fabric to make diapers for her baby. She didn’t have enough ration coupons, so other women shoppers donated some of their prized coupons to her. I didn’t realize that these generous women could have been prosecuted for their altruism!

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Sep 15Liked by Edwin

1946 not 1956!

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You let ‘em try, in 1946 they would have shut down the Justice Department for that!

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'Mind-boggling': Billions gone and little to show for it years after rampant COVID fraud

Federal watchdog and other reports estimate anywhere from $200 billion to half a trillion was lost to waste, fraud and abuse.


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'Mind-boggling': Billions gone and little to show for it years after rampant COVID fraud

Federal watchdog and other reports estimate anywhere from $200 billion to half a trillion was lost to waste, fraud and abuse.


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And that is just a drop in the bucket compared to everything the government wants to waste.

They want to “waste” it all, including your lives.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks for the restack, Abigail, and the comments, and everything. You are a credit to SubStack.

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We are headed smack into a Golden Age, Henny Penny. See The 4th Turning for details.

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