Jun 12Liked by Edwin

Feminist has been a problem from the beginning. They tell people women could do whatever they want. Right, except be a housewife and take care of their own baby. It makes me sick. When mother started putting the most precious thing they could possibly have with strangers I knew that propaganda could feed anybody’s brain. Try taking a baby away from any other animal and see what happens.

Peoples garages are filled with junk so much so that we have tons and tons of storage. Literally millions of acres look it up and there were none of these storage places in 1968. Have so much junk they have bought. Yet they pretend they can’t stay home 1 or 2 years for their own child. Wake up from the propaganda!!!

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You are correct, don't let anybody else tell you what's important.

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Totally agree with you. When a child is put in daycare someone else is raising that child with their beliefs not the parents. Have 4 kids and never left them in daycare.

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In 2008 BHO and the Bolsheviks came to Power, but the Bushies, 1 & 2 set it up, and the Criminal/Commie Clintoons removed any remaining American Norms ......

Obama/Biden is the Current WH Resident (Not President) Coup Regime,

CYA ... Conduct Yourselves Accordingly

"Si vis pacem, para bellum" is an activity, not a motto.

The Culmination of Marxist Infiltration, Part 1


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No one is Good, Only God is Good. Mark 10:18

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Never feel guilty for things you have not done. The left depend on you feeling guilty for slavery even if you never owned slaves. (But then, they want to enslave all mankind.)

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Mother Teresa was not good? St Frances was not good? Great discussion on the struggle between good and evil. Good is being tromped on and will it survive? I believe our religious institutions are not standing up for good! Their voices are weak!

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Jun 13Liked by Edwin

Did you see that mother Theresa’s church was just accused of child trafficking?

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100% correct. We are just floating through until it blows up in our faces.

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And we can't even deport the invaders because their own countries won't take them back.

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Deport them to anywhere, but here.

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Edwin: Wanted to pass this by you! Dave Rubin has a show. He supported DESantis not Trump.

Now, he was interviewing Tulsi. He was asking are you ready, if you get the call. He's trying to

push Tulsi for VP. I don't trust Rubin. He was on with Russell Brand and instead of saying the

Trump trial was a hoax. No, he said. They will try and (I am not going to say it)

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Tulsi for VP is the back door to Communism, anybody should know Tulsi is bad news. but they look to her as a ‘savior.’

Tulsi is the worst of the lot, another friend pretending.

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I don't care for Tulsi either.

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My friend Jeff says she would have gotten the snake to share the apple with her in the garden of eden. That’s how evil she is!

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Then you know what side that Dave Rubin is on. The NO good side!

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