It's a global queue, and its success is ensured by captured governments.

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As usual, you are right.

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If people want to see what the true world thought leaders are saying they should go to Substack.

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I have to agree 100%.

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Ridicule is our most powerful weapon, even superior to nuclear warheads.

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Aug 12Liked by Edwin

Tell the globalists to F…off

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Thanks David, for the restack and the comment!

I'm still laughing, LOL!

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If the globalists international swamp of organizations claim that:

"There is currently no World Plan of Action" -

Then what have all our TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of tax money since 1944 paid for in expanding the United Nations network all over the world, and what EXACTLY is the purpose of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Net Zero Banking Allliance and countless other FASCIST FORMS OF ACTION!!!!!!!

It gets worse when they say that:

"There is a universal failure of leadership and governance to address the global problems we face."

Well if that is the case, then it is time to FIRE ALL THESE FUCKWITS because they are admitting that THEY HAVE FAILED - they are 'universal failures of leadership' which we can all agree with. And giving FAILING LEADERS more power is NOT THE SOLUTION.

And look at their list for the alleged:

"This “polycrisis” is an interconnected web of challenges........These spell greater insecurity for all."

Every single point on this list is either a BIG LIE based on PSEUDOSCIENCE, otherwise called the United Nations as The Science™ - because it refers to mathematical computer models not real data, and not real science. Every point is either a big lie, or it is a SOCIAL DISASTER AND SOCIAL MURDER that the richest people in the world behind these institions have FUNDED and made happen. The greatest THREAT TO HUMANITY are the EVIL PSYCHOPATHIC COMMUNISTS driving all of this economic, human and social DESTRUCTION.

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100% agree!

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whatever happened to the good old days when the Pope could use his club to get the peasants to reduce their populations far beyond Rome with a stroke of his pen. And sell indulgences like carbon offsets today.

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Aug 12Liked by Edwin


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David, I appreciate the restack.

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John, Jean, thanks for the restacks.

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Thanks Abigail, for the restack and the "suggestion." LOL

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The Club of Rome!

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