
Let us not forget, their war is on God, and all his children, a war they are destined to lose, badly. The Stockdale Paradox.

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end – which you can never afford to lose – with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

James Madison(father of US Constitution/4thPres) said ‘We have staked the whole future of American civilisation, not upon the power of the govt..far from it. We have staked the future..upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves..to sustain ourselves,according to the Ten Commandments of God.’

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

Very true..’For we were not given a Spirit of fear..but of Power and Love and of a sound mind’..

The ‘other powers’ want to be rid of God to create ‘lawlessness’ to do whatever they like with no laws against their evil..

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The only thing that stops them from arresting 171 million people willy-nilly is that those 171 million are armed. Why else do you think they want to disarm us?

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

Thank God for our founder's wisdom in establishing the second amendment. They had a deep understanding of the evil behind the deep state and in effective way freedom lovers could deal with it. I've read that for the last 20 yrs, Americans have been buying firearms in ever greater numbers. I'm proud of my fellow Americans for arming up and not giving in to eradicating second amendment, as deep state wanted and tried and failed to do. This is why the rest of the world is looking to us to save them, they know we are the last ones to not give up our firearms. Australia did and look what's happening there. Very sad.

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Smoke and Mirrors are key tools of the Jibberrish Joe regime!

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

deceit and corruption run deep. by means of contractors and out-sourcing it's unclear who decides what, so exposure is essential.

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"Essential," good word.

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin


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Spot on Edwin , thank you . Here’s the author’s link . https://statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Quoted by Barack Hussein Obama, The Merciful.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Edwin

"They" have millions of military aged men -invaders we pay for with blue helmits, cartels, gangs, criminals, canibals, hostile neighbors, and blood lust Satanists to B-urn L-oot and M-urder those nasty Christians.

I just commited a "free speech" crime and exposed myself again to be taken to the hrc "fun camp" to be guillotined and fed to the other slaves because I Love Jesus, "as in the days of Noah" - Jesus warned us- Matthew ch 24.

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Americans bought 5.5M guns in first 4 months of 2024


“For instance, President Biden’s plans to limit the usage of guns by increasing background check procedures and banning assault weapons might increase the demand for guns as buyers anticipate such laws if he wins a second term,” the data reads.

Gun sales, state-by-state

The states with the highest gun sales are Texas, Florida and California. That trio accounts for 22% of the purchases so far this year.

Last year, the states leading the country in gun purchases per capita were Montana, Wyoming and Alaska, with 1,586 guns sold for every 10,000 Montana residents over 21.

Americans purchased an average of 1.3 million guns each month in the first quarter of 2024, data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System recorded.

That totals roughly 5.5 million guns bought from January to April 2024, slightly lower than 2023’s same date range.

The reports align with a decreasing trend in gun purchasing. 2023 recorded a 4% decline in total sales from 2022 at 16.7 million, and 2024 could be on track to drop even further.

Firearm sales peaked in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, heightened political unrest and a divisive presidential election.

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Not one mention of increased violent crime.

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Thanks for the restack, Abigail, it is appreciated.

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

Remember Pogo? We have seen the enemy & it is us...

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Oliver Hazard Perry

His leadership materially aided the successful outcomes of all nine Lake Erie military campaign victories, and the victory was a turning point in the battle for the west in the war.He is remembered for the words on his battle flag, "Don't Give Up the Ship", which was a tribute to the dying command of his colleague Captain James Lawrence of USS Chesapeake. He is also known for his message to General William Henry Harrison which reads in part, "We have met the enemy and they are ours."

On January 6, 1814, Perry was honored with a Congressional Gold Medal, the Thanks of Congress, and a promotion to the rank of Captain. This was one of 27 Gold Medals authorized by Congress arising from the War of 1812.

The Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates, 51 of them, were named for him, the last decommissioned in 2015, many (15) are kept in inactive service lest they be brought back.

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

All of this portends peaceful separation. It will be better for everyone.

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But they don't want 'peaceful separation,' they couldn't survive with that.

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

Right. The parasites need us. As we gradually separate from everything they throw at us they will lash out at us and consume each other. We will survive.

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Survival isn’t enough, how many of us will survive?

The prepared, but I wonder about the unprepared, in particular, the children.

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More than half are hopelessly lost already. The jab killed many of them too. The best we can do is prepare, resist their harms by engaging in nonviolent asymmetrical warfare, congregate only with other awakened, and pursue health and holiness. I lay out a prescription in my book: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Good-Life-Cultural-Secession/dp/B0BKS8W281

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And do what when we are confronted by them?

Be prepared to blow them away. It is that simple. It is coming, maybe not for all, but it is coming for many. Don’t put off self protection till it is too late.

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

The public forum precludes further elucidation.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Edwin

🇺🇸And give our Lives, our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor! 🙏

edit: "they" will shut the Grid down- Coast to Coast- Martial Law- Door2Door Blue Helmits or Madd Maxx in your neighborhood- any day soon. Right?

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

sadly, it killed many of the 171 million.

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Amy Harlib, thanks again for the restack and reading, I appreciate it.

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