
mcgdoc, thanks for the restack and the reading, it is very much appreciated.

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https://youtu.be/z3H72OXcJlM?si=V9LG78fVvILZZttg watch at 10 min, via CBS news

Brandon 2send usa iIIegals to Italy + Greece 🇬🇷

In other news Walls can KEEP YOU INSIDE as well... This is wut CBDC + 15'minute FreeeedomCities are all about!! GΗΕΤΤ0$

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Edwin

"Joe Biden, whose tenure has been marred by inefficiency and economic missteps. That is putting it mildly. Perhaps too much so."~Joseph Ford Cotto

Hah, yea "putting it mildly" indeed The Biden regime has purposely destroyed America for the Globalist agenda of the UN and Word Economic Forum and its "Great Reset" who's motto is "You will own nothing and be happy".

It is critical to the future of the United States to keep the Globalist, Neo-Marxists out of power.

Live Free or die.


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Yes, and stay as far away as possible from being placed on a CBDC aka "Mark of the Beast" or it is game over for Humanity on a Global Scale! Get use to Bartering!

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https://youtu.be/z3H72OXcJlM?si=V9LG78fVvILZZttg watch at 10 min, via CBS news

Brandon 2send usa iIIegals to Italy + Greece 🇬🇷

In other news Walls can KEEP YOU INSIDE as well... This is wut CBDC + 15'minute FreeeedomCities are all about!! GΗΕΤΤ0$

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Jul 7Liked by Edwin

Wow. Very well said. This should be required reading for the entire electorate

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Edwin

A Rational explanation for Voting for the return of the 2020 Elected President in 2024. Rational people Will read and mostly Agree because your points are Confirmed by the Reality of the Trump administration 2016-2024.

The "Irrationals" of course are based on Reactive Emotion and are Not even on the same wavelengths.

To further expose the cancer killing this country Economically We must look at "the money" itself. It is like the Mrna death VaXXX injected into the body of the country....... by the Doktors of Fiat Money, the Feral Reserve Banksters here in the USSA.

There are Global NWO Banksters, but We should just Demand "Sound Physical Money" HERE in the Restored Republic as in the Constitution.

There is No MAGA with Cancerous "Money".& their Banksters. President Andrew Jackson got that Correctly, and had it put on his tombstone as His Life's Accomplishment.

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The numbers for Cali, tell me they are lying on jobs lost. Bidenomics strikes again: Shocking number of full-time jobs lost over past 5 months

https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/bidenomics-strikes-again-shocking-number-full-time-jobs-lost-over-past-5-months. Youth+ non-farm jobs need added, Many are multiple part-time jobs now. And government

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The sign posts are numerous that the average Joe and Jane are struggling financially and are curtailing spending to make ends meet. It won't be long before we have deflation when they can't move the goods.

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Would exploiting children include vaccines or vaccines in food? We here already know how bad they are. The blind sheep don't.

BJF HAS DRIVEN US INTO A GREAT DEPRESSION, THAT WILL TAKE 30 OR MORE YEARS OF EXTREME ECONOMIC CUTS. There is already talk of cutting SS and Medicare, working to 70. I was disabled at 56. At 76 It's even worse. Before you leave the house checklist, teeth, glasses, hearing aids, gun, and ammo. We didn't move far enough away from Memphis.

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Thanks for the restack, Abigail.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Edwin

No matter what, any solution is 30 plus years too late. While we all worked hard to develop our skills, Traitors were busy Selling US Opportunities out from under US. No matter who is in each office, We The People have a Constitutional Duty to DEFUND and REMOVE those on THE TAKE. Loy Brunson's SCOTUS filing revealed who the TRAITORS are. It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to process ALL of the SWAMP CREATURES. What Conservative Organization will POST BOUNTIES at local Post Offices? It is time. Let's Drain The Swamp from now until Election Day and beyond if necessary to get ALL the TRAITORS out of TRUMP'S way. It's time to MAGA MFers.

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Gail, Sues, thanks for the restack and reading, it is appreciated.

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Trump still insists the jabs saved lives. You can vote for that if you want to, and you can defend the lie any way you want. But in the end you are supporting either a liar or a fearful man afraid to speak his mind.

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You are 100% correct Jacquelyn. There is only an illusion of choice. There has never been choice.

I’m done playing this idiotic game. Absolutely stupid! I will never vote again,nor do I want to be a part of this fubar any longer.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Edwin

I don't vote anymore either. It really doesn't matter if you vote anyway. Look what happened last time everyone voted for Trump..the powers that be won't let Trump win but I wish they would.

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So true

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