Reason, logic and common sense dictate that they NEED customers (patients) and the only way to get them is to have people become ill. And if they don't do it on their own by toxin exposure, they will help you out with blood tests and urine samples and feces samples to come up with some ailment that you didn't realize you had and of course the remedy is a drug that has side effects that cause more issues because of the toxicity of the drugs. And since they are doctors we have to "believe" them because after all, if you don't understand your own body, you have to have someone else who does. Just like a car mechanic only a hell uv a lot more expensive. Same idea though.

When I was still in high school there was this guy named Danny who was the guy VW owners went to that couldn't afford the dealership that I worked for for about a week. Danny had a customer come in that had to have his car towed because the transmission wouldn't shift. Underneath the back seat was a small cover that when opened exposed a connector that wears out to the transaxle and the shifter in between the drivers seat. This part was pretty inexpensive and easy to change. So what does Danny the VW doctor do? He tells the customer his transmission is shot and he needs to have it replaced. Danny the charges the guy for a transmission rebuild and all he did was put in a $5.00 part and sent him on his way. Like I said, I worked for him for a week. Once I saw what an outright crook he was, I was gone.

Doctors are similar in that they will exaggerate and claim that you have this or that and the way to fix it is with this expensive drug they get a big kickback for prescribing. . Meanwhile the neuropathy you are having in your legs is from heavy metal toxicity that is from breathing air full of nano particles of barium, aluminum and who knows what else that is being dumped on us from the chemtrails. The drug covers up the effect, but has side effects of its own and on and on it goes.

I'll trust a doctor to replace a lens in my eye due to a cataract which may be cured holistically if you just knew what to do to cure it. I have one. It is on the back side of the lens not the front. I'm convinced there PROBABLY is a cure that would cut into the doctors $2500 charge that takes him 25 minutes to perform.

Eggplant tincture from Amazon worked for a skin cancer that they wanted to surgically remove at who knows what cost on my shoulder and they wanted to cut out a large chuck that would have most likely ruined my ability to do certain things with that arm. It was $20 and took a week and a half to do what it was supposed to do.

Dr. Vernon Coleman is a true honest doctor that will tell you what to do to fix some of your ailments without filling you full of toxins. Read my https://www.courageouslion.us/p/toxicology-vs-virology and pass it around and comment.

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hey, did you use that tincture of eggplant topically? just to be clear.

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I've noticed it in the last 40 years. In the 1970s and 80s, Doctors diagnosed illnesses based on symptoms and then treated them. Today, Doctors don't diagnose; they treat the symptoms without thinking about the underlying illness.

They prescribe antibiotics to treat viral illnesses and promote what they are told by the drug companies.

In the '70s and '80s, Doctors weren't afraid to tell fat people that they were fat and needed to exercise. Today, they dance around obesity and tell the fat slob nothing.

During the Fauxdemic, they continuously pushed the fauxine instead of prescribing tried and true medicines.

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Why do I have to pay money to a doctor to give me permission to buy an antibiotic I need, when a person in Mexico or Thailand can buy that antibiotic without paying a ransom to a doctor?

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That's why I use online pharmacies from other countries.

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I tried to import some popular medication for the treatment of cancer. It was confiscated by Australian ‘ bio-security’ agents under the guise of saving the country. The whole of the same bio-security act failed us during the past four years with the cost of millions of lives.

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Well, at least they didn't confiscate you.

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Hub had his 6-month checkup. Crowed his Cholesrtol was down ONE POINT. He eats a high Carb/Sugar diet, along with meat and potatoes, he will be 83 in July. Those 2 pills make his hands shake, and I've noticed a decline in short-term memory.

I would not dare eat the carbs/sugar he eats, my BS would be too high. I refuse to take Cholesterol meds. The Humalog is bad enough. But the need for that is changing as I eat more Meat and only a small amount of carbs. Bread is the worst. I've lost 2 jean sizes.

I can treat most ills with OTC meds.

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Great eye opening facts. I stopped using doctors about 5 years ago. Never felt better!

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D E A D L A S T •••


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...and they destroy us emotionally as they kill us physically.


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When doctors in Israel went on strike for a month admissions to hospital dropped by 85% with only the most urgent cases being admitted, but despite this the death rate in Israel dropped by 50% – the largest drop since the previous doctors’ strike twenty years earlier

We saw the same thing happen in 2020, people stayed away from hospitals and hospitals closed cancer treatment and elected surgery. The expected yearly mortality reduced in every country in 2020.

The cull began with the jabs after it was evident there was no threat from the dis-ease called cv19.

Ive 3 articles you may want to read. I pressed a new take on blood and lung physiology that logically dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

We are fuelled by hydration not oxygen. Hydration equals salt plus water.

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I would love to read these three articles.

On your website?

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Thanks, subscribed.

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Edwin I agree with Dr. Coleman and comments , but there are some doctors making a difference, for example, the ruptured appendix, necrotic hip , babies needing surgery for various conditions, stat c- sections for fetal distress ….the list goes on …

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yes, this is so.

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Allopathy is all wrong. Plumbing systems have saved more lives than allopathy could ever dream of by the way 750,000 death by dr/hospital a year.

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Very dated information because today in the USA the cost of medical treatment is now 20% of GDP whereas in 1950 it was less than 10% of GDP! Back then cost of food was 20% of GDP and now is 10% of GDP! We have cheaper food that doesn’t deliver the nutrients that the population require and contributes to the medical state that we are now enduring! The medicine man’s solution is pushing more drugs now in the form of RNA injections, and that is the wrong route to go to reverse the problem!

Shame on the medicine man!

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Oh wait. You can’t.

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What amazes me is people think they can't live without them. (doctors) I am a member of the family that for 25 years not one of us has gone to a doctor for treatment… Yes, our medical bills are 0 and we carry no health insurance. We live cheap!

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Thank you for commenting here. I wish I had followed your advice,

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I DO have a physician. His name is Jesus Christ. He is all I have ever needed .. going on 50 years now. I write often about this in my Stack. I invite you to visit. Godspeed, Victoria

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Godspeed, Edwin.

Subscribed, thanks.

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They do now and wait till it’s all DEI doctors. If their Hippocratic Oath has become a Hypocrite Oath, DEI should give them full reign to kill you just cause they don’t like you.

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It appears to me that since prior to the Plandemic that doctors were the 3rd leading cause of premature death in The USA, that during the last 4 years politicians and doctors combined were and are The Leading Cause of Premature Death In Th USA.

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Prove him wrong.

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