While I quite love this man's fierce and often witty responses to the criminal insanity we're experiencing, I now do question the whole mRNA idea, as it appears to have been a distraction, like SO MUCH of the rest of what we're being told, by what is turning out to be a lot of Controlled Opposition (such as Robert Traitor Malone, and many others, who have sold their souls for blood money, literally).

Right now, it seems that only a handful of people are aware of the scope (and the actual facts) of this assault on the People of the World, and as more are starting to question, more misinformation is being "found" and clearly it is the intention that we all end up arguing about what is what, exactly.

I think we need to move out of the need to have EXACT information, and settle for having the information that we are being CULLED, there is a plan to shut down our bank accounts or be chipped and controlled, our food sources are being removed, plans to withhold WATER are being put in place, plans to make heating in winter so expensive as to force many to suffer a winter without it... WE AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN YET... And meanwhile we dither about Is it mRNA or heavy metals? Is it a virus or is it toxins? OMG, Climate Change! The Sun is exploding! Are masks helpful or not? Is it the WEF or the Venetians? Men should be able to have babies! There are 78 genders! And on and on and on...

Our enemies are very adept at using propaganda and fear and confusion and most especially, DIVIDE AND CONQUER, to distract and derail us from seeing what is coming. I wonder if a few more months is going to be enough time for people to catch up enough to avoid some very, very desperate times, coming soon, created deliberately and cruelly. There will almost certainly be a huge effort to create a civil war in the US, because we have a lot of guns, so best that we kill each other, and then they can send in their mercenaries to kill those remaining.

I am losing hope that anything is going to keep us from suffering HUGELY, globally, for at least another year or two or three, or ten... I still have hope, but it's very difficult to keep it alive when I see the kind of nonsense going around social media, particularly from younger people. And my own family is being destroyed from within, in an uncannily similar kind of microcosm of the greater oligarchy attack we're living in. It's becoming rather desperate on many levels, it seems.

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Herder, we don't have enough time before the looming onset of the Solar Minimum will cause severe problems with our minimized grid, energy production, limited food production, distribution, not to even mention the illegal migration burdens or financial calamities awaiting all of us.

Over the short time the Biden Administration has been in power, over one trillion dollars of investment in energy production has not occurred, the money went elsewhere by necessity and is gone gone gone. This level of non-investment ensures energy poverty for the masses despite anything we do from this point forward. Even though we are the most energy independent country on earth. We could have revolutionized nuclear energy production, we could have started making all the chips here, leave the wind up toys for the fucking Chinese.

And possibly had enough excess production where we could have kept our Canadian and European friends from freezing to death. No chance of that now.

Give it time it won't be that long before the mass migration will be back south. However they will probably build the wall just in time to stop us.

According to the commies, Walls are to keep people in, that is when we will get one.

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I agree. The only thing I would add is that there is copious evidence that these troubles were planned and made to happen on purpose.

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Fuckin' A, cousin. What interesting times, eh?

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After that speech the other night, well, anything goes.

I hope those fools realize they are badly outgunned, F15s or not!

And they got to get out of that tank sometime, American, Chinese, who the fuck ever.

They will have to kill us all off, the Russians warned the Chinese, but those mental retards didn't take it seriously, it won't be long now!

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Which speech is this?

I don't have TV, but I can probably find it somewhere online...

(And they WANT to kill us all off, I think. They really are INSANE... Being a psychopath doesn't mean it's just being EVIL, it's also the reasoning ability, also! The filthy rich ones can sort of, SORT OF, hide their insanity, sometimes, but... Geeeeezuz.)

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It may be an unproductive idea to keep threatening all the mid-level perps with war-crimes trials. this can only prolong the madness:


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Sorry, "NO AMNESTY," "NO PRISONERS" because at some time, somehow, some way, we have to show the Elites and their useful idiots that we are absolutely just as deadly serious as they are, perhaps even more. A lot more! They need to understand the future and welfare of their families has been placed under threat by their actions! Deny people their basic God given rights and then expect them to forgive and forget. Oh, that is right they don't believe in God, they believe they are gods. They hate us because we don't worship them. I often hear you can't treat them like that. After they tried to murder us? But you will be just as bad as they are. I always say, "Well, I'm OK with that!"

If the whistleblowers come forth now, we will definitely give them proper consideration, less tomorrow, even less the day after. The time is now, now, now!

Like the old knight said, "Choose Wisely."

But they won't, as my girlfriend says, "They are not Americans."


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Good point, and I'll check out your link.

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If it were possible for the Mafia to decide the Mafia was guilty of crimes against humanity a miracle equivalent to the return of the Messiah must occur. The Capo di tutti Capi would be Jesus.

Look now at energy costs in Europe. Is there a popular revolt? No. Anger only. Closing of businesses unable to pay the bill. Knowledge that winter will harm millions unable to afford heat. And Slava Ukraine.

So it is with Covid crimes. The needle and the damage done. UK pays indemnity to vaccine injured and continues ordering people to vaccinate. And to borrow from Charge of the Light Brigade-“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismayed?

Not though the CITIZEN knew

Someone had NOT blundered.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to VACCINATE and die.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the sixty six million.

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