Of course we know how to prevent spread of diseases! 😡

Listen closely:

Wear a cloth mask!

Stay at least six feet away from other people.

Slather alcohol sanitizer all over your hands before and after … uh, whatever.

Stay inside your home with the windows closed.

Keep children home from school.

Find out if there are any experimental drugs you can take over and over again.

No vitamins or OTC drugs.

Stay out of the sun.

Get PCR tests for [fill in pathogen] frequently, especially if paid for by someone else.

Stay up to date with all government and pharmaceutical company recommendations.

Pray daily to Saint Fauci for help and guidance.

Did I leave any out? 🤔

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Get a PCR test on a regular basis and stay out of the sun.😵‍💫

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Thanks! I’ll add those! 👍

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That's what they've been trained to do... Rockefeller foundation demands it.

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You are exactly correct.

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We need to figure this out brother lol we ain't got much time...

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Our whole society is based on attack and kill diseases...even big Ag is the same with the pesticides. Plants and humans both have immune systems, which are strengthened by nutrients in the soil and nutrients in the food. When nutrients, sunshine, fresh air, etc are missing plants and humans lose their natural immunity; and can't fight off disease. There are vitamins and herbs that work well to fight infections, without destroying the healthy bacteria, which is what drugs do!

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Yes, drugs do, but is anything clean anymore? Our soil is dirty, our food has no “sustainable system of immunity”, meaning even the plants are getting sick…

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They're being mis-educated! How's that for a new word to add to "mis-infomation", etc....?

More and more are waking up!!

Thank you Edwin!!

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You are welcome.

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Since, oh, around 2020, I think most on these stacks have paid more attention to our own community doctors and medical personnel. I'm betting most will agree with me: the only true art and skill I've seen in the GP arena come from the holistic, cocierge style MDs and DOs. The rest are sh-t.

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They are worse than sh-t, with some exceptions, they are murderers.

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I like holistic also.

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Don't forget that drs wear and use the same stethoscope as well as lab coats daily going in and out many patients rooms and seeing many patients daily. No changes or cleaning

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Seems ‘unsanitary.’

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Hi Edwin, 👍🏻👏🏻 article! You mentioned unsanitary! What is clean vs. dirty? Reality vs. illusion, change vs. chaos…after 77 surgeries, I have seen docs walk into OR after scrubbing, forgetting their gloves. I ask NOT to be put to sleep until I know all personnel are cleaned, prepped and accounted for, then I can go to sleep. I have been back to the hospital the next day with either e.coli sepsis or some other bacterial conundrum…but fungus is a dirty word in the medical profession and we are all scared of a non existent virus?

Fungus is the next big killer. Fungus, parasites…do you all realize you talk mainstream?

It’s not only dirty, it’s the kind of dirty, I loathe. That white dust in all of the houses is smart biofilm, biofilm is a collection of toxins and we breathe that in, brain fog, dizziness, bloated, sick and dying…it’s not only the food, the drugs but the air. It’s not only bacteria or viruses, it’s also fungus, parasites and bacterium.

I wish all medical doctors would teach all of us the real harms. If we can get rid of a simple sinus infection, yet we can’t get rid of e.coli sepsis or c.diff disease or fungus in our sinus cavities, then yes, they (the asshole doctors who are money hungry and extreme narcissist are the ones who…)stop all of this from being corrected. Not all, but most.

The medical industry has failed us all. It’s a depop tool that has been used and proven ineffective.

Look, for someone who has had 77 surgeries, 10 major, I am on disability at 42-now I am 56, in that time span I have had 7 major surgeries, a horrible fungal disease in my lungs, which I will eventually die from, as we have no cure for the aftermath of any dis-ease or their toxins, no fake virus, no bacterial infections…it’s asking God for protection. That’s it! It works! He helped me get through it all! ADDITION: the bacteria, fungus and parasites are all alive. How can we dissolve them when we”feed” them?!?!?

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Bless you, girl, bless you. And thank you for your comments, they are the most important ones we shall hear.

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I tell them to clean everything or they can’t touch me. I learned that.

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If you end up in hospital.., take some liposomal vit c and don’t tell… take two or three times a day… if you can

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Thank you. Does it need to say lipsomal vitamin c or on the bottle?or is any vitamin c okay?

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I believe any is OK.

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Yes it says liposomal on bottle… to be clear… also, liposomal indicates the technology used to deliver the vitamin into the body… I’ve seen other vitamins, like b vitamins also using the liposomal form… I suspect it’s good … but I only know how helpful it is with vit c. Years ago, I read a book about it… but I barely remember the particulars. And furthermore, we have to trust that they really are using the tech and not just lying about it. Another reason why I take both lyposomal and ascorbic acid that’s less expensive and widely available. Do not believe the hype about ascorbic acid causing kidney stones. But if you have kidney stones, I recommend a product called stone breaker which can be taken preventatively. Like once a week or once a month. It’s good for all calcification points in the body… pineal, gall bladder, kidneys … the common stuff. Maybe diverticulitis. But the vit c is key in soft tissues as well really.

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Thank you for the additional information. 🙂

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Ascorbic acid is the most common and generally less expensive. However, liposomal is supposed to be superior and here is why… with ascorbic acid, it takes longer to enter the blood stream as it enters through the intestines… if you have a known toxic situation, poison, venom, sepsis … the vit c will neutralize those toxins in the blood… but, vitamin c will be flushed out of the body after about two hours, if it is not utilized… so it is recommended that ascorbic acid be taken hourly or every couple hours when one is in a toxic state … a flu or a viral or bacterial infection could be considered toxic and vit c helps the body heal from all of that… but even if you only took an ascorbic acid capsule three times a day… it would still help… but with the liposomal vit c, it goes into the bloodstream through the stomach, immediately and it is more like a high dose IV which is more affectatious on the toxins/infections and its other functions such as collagen production and such… it’s a good alternative to a vit c iv therapy … I usually recommend people take that one every day, twice a day is good just for maintenance… but if you are ill or whatever, the more the better… if all you have is ascorbic acid and you are ill or have heart disease and such… try taking every two hours while awake when you have any illness … you want to bombard your body with it … if its liposomal, you can bombard yourself four times a day vs eight with ascorbic. Because lipisomal has gotten pretty pricey.. if you are ill, I’d take that twice a day, one in morning, one at night, then ascorbic acid three or four times in between. The other chief difference is that you should take ascorbic acid with a meal or a small snack (with food) but with lipisomal it does not matter, it’s effective with or without food.

There is a book and possibly still presentations on YT by Dr Levy about how to use vitamin c to cure specific diseases… like there’s a specific way to treat whooping cough vs strep throat, for eg. Dr humphries has put out presentations about whooping cough, she may have a book. It was years ago that I researched this stuff. But even if you don’t know the protocols… just bombard yourself with vit c and take it once or twice a day for maintenance and prevention … and of course try to consume natural vit c contained in foods… potato’s are supposedly a good source, boil or steam them, do not bake… grow an acerola cherry tree … the fruits on that tree are natures vit c capsules.

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Really appreciate the detailed information. Will be incorporating these vitamins into my daily routine.

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So glad… I used to post about this daily back before 2020 on YT … people need to know their options!

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Let me see if I can remember what I read in the section on airborne and bloodborne pathogens.

Gastrointestinal infections are spread by puking, blood, and fecal material and are spread hand to hand by bad hygiene practices (not washing your hands in warm, soapy water for 20 seconds)

AIDS is spread by blood and fecal material (Reusing dirty needles.)

Hepatitis C is bloodborne and is passed through the blood.

The common cold is airborne and spreads through droplets.

The lack of deep cleaning with bleach or bleach-like products spreads MRSA. It was also spread because autoclaves weren't heating up to the required temperature.

Polio and Smallpox were infectious and spread by fleas.

(This was from classes in 1990) How did I do?

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Very very well.

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And I'm not a doctor. Aren't doctors and nurses trained in these diseases anymore?

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Trained in Big Pharma.

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Here’s another issue Edwin …I think one of the biggest germ spreader …. The damn phone and those charging cords .

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The bold truth !

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Well somehow that does not surprise me. After witnessing horrible so called healthcare during COVID I think most times correct procedures are absent. Sounds like they all need to go back to school to learn how to save more lives. Unless it’s done on purpose which also wouldn’t surprise me. 😮

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It doesn’t surprise me that is is all on purpose. and that docs & nurses refusing these ‘guidelines’ were fired and their licenses were taken away.

There should be restitution in all cases, period.

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Absolutely. But I won’t be surprised if there isn’t. The purpose of poor healthcare in my opinion is both keeping the machine going and depopulation. It’s working for the evil ones among us. Why would try allow anything else?

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Because we'll string 'em up if they don't.

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I like that idea. I’ll help!!!

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Yes you are right

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