
I would say yes, plus very heavy financial penalties, and loss of the clearances which they so dearly hold.

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Thanks Arturo and Angela, restacking is nearly as important as reading, and comments are all welcome (even the ones I don't agree with).

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Jun 17Liked by Edwin

If it were found that they colluded in the false report in order to sway an election I'd call it treason against America and they should all face the ultimate penalty.

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Jun 17Liked by Edwin

Prosecute all, including Blinken. Any still with security clearances, zap those. Election interference charge, plus federal conspiracy. The Left will never stop with cheating and law fare until they get it back on the end a 2x4 to the figurative head.

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I heard that and 100% agree.

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I'd prefer hanging, but prison would be better than nothing.

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Jun 19Liked by Edwin

They should be locked up for life, all 51 of them crammed into Joe Biden’s basement and forced to listen to him tell stories about when we served in WWI and that time Jill gave him a handy during a SOTU speech.

He’s got some naked pictures of her from just last year, if they want a peek!

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They would probably choose a firing squad first, which is why we would make them wait for it.

Generally, I believe in quick executions, to give the guilty as few opportunities to ask for forgiveness as possible before their death.

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I fully agree with the sentiment of this piece. Any honest person looking at this sees a conspiracy to influence the election.

That said, these are professional liars we’re dealing with. The statement they issued said the laptop had “all the hallmarks” of a Russian operation without explicitly saying it was a Russian operation. Biden’s quote from the debate is a classic non-denial denial. They were deliberately avoiding legal landmines, knowing that partisan media would take the ball and run with it for them.

By all means, Congress should investigate and educate the public about how this whole sordid business works. But I’m not holding my breath for criminal indictments.

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yep I think that would be very appropriate!

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Jun 17Liked by Edwin

A coup d’etat. Is that not treason

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Make Watergate great again👏🏻👏🏻

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Knocked it out of the ballpark.

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And thanks for the restack, Abigail, along with your comments and just plain reading.

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Jun 17Liked by Edwin

Lock them up

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At the very least, after bankrupting them.

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Martha, Sharon, and all the others I didn't name are thanked for the restacking, it lets me know I am not alone here.

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CafeeCup, Kenn, appreciate the restack, very much. Thank you, it is appreciated.

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