I hope most of the hospitals completely fold, Killing fields. I hope most of the apothecaries that jabbed people completely fold, Killing fields. We can move forward with what remains.

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When you are in a socialized medical system that has a funding cap of 10% of GDP what other answer is there? We know, of course, that Big Pharma allopathic medicine model compounds the health issue because it contributes to the health issues by convincing the medicine man to over, prescribe their profitable drugs. That is why they fight like hell to convince politicians that a drug formulary is not in the best interest of the patient.. actually it is in the best interest of big Pharma to maximize their probability and the RNA injection route is just the latest iteration of that goal!

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When your are right, you're right!

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Jul 17Liked by Edwin

An honest assessment the only additional thought I have is the pain that has been inflected on society as a whole. We have had to bear the pain of watching the maiming and slaughter of our fellowman. Thank you.

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“Sudden And Unexpected”


“Bill Gates caught on video admitting that his ‘experimental’ vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER.

He’s experimenting with human beings like we are a test crop of GMO corn or barley!”


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Reading about how Covid patients were just left to die due to a DNR in their file has caused me to ask many how a DNR can even be placed in a file with out the request of the patient or when they are incompetent, their legal guardian. From where does the power so called MDs and RNs get this power?

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They don’t!

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Charge them, charge them all with murder.

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Or attempted murder, some “patients” aren’t dead, yet.

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That may be, but I doubt that there are any of these so called MDs and RNs who are attempting to kill their patients who have not successfully done so these past 4+ years.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Edwin

I did one many years ago, but put in restrictions. I watched Terri Schiavo be starved and dehydrated to death. All for a greedy husband to get insurance money. Her parents had offered to take on her nursing home care. She was aware, awake, and responsive to caregivers and parents, not in a live or death situation. I made sure it went in my will. Was I right or wrong? https://abcnews.go.com/Health/terri-schiavo-10-years-death-end-life-debate/story? Terri Schiavo id=30013571#:~:text=Terri%20Schindler%20Schiavo%20collapsed%20at,injury%20resulting%20from%20oxygen%20starvation. WON'T FEEL PAIN, I believe being dehydrated/starved is cruel. Terri Schiavo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n72jcjXTLqU

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Coffee_Cup, thanks for the restack.

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