Hunger grows among active duty military

https://www.rand.org/.../why-are-us-military-families... LONG STANTING ISSUE. LOWER RANKS ARE UNDER PAID. A single can live in barracks and go through a chow line, but married with children live off base, have rent utilities, and BAQ IS JUST FOR THE SOLDIER.

Excerpt: "Dangerous Injustice: How Democrats Weaponized the DOJ To Protect Biden and Persecute Trump"


A conversation with Joseph B. Sweeney, former CIA Head of Litigation and the author of A Dangerous Injustice


Former CIA Officer Amaryllis Kennedy: Iraq, JFK, and Everything Else Our Intel Agencies Lied About


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...all to facilitate our early deaths, to balance their 'books'. The nicest thing I can say is eff 'em.

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