
He explains it perfectly, I hate to say.

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THEY ARE A DO NOTHING TO ROCK THE BOAT. We no longer have Fire Brand GOP POLITICALS. The few that are are shut down. They belong to the uniparty. Hide behind I have to follow the law, laws they made, to get out of doing anything. All these hearings when the truth is known, is a waste of time and money to make them look good, for not doing real fact finding. I graped every article on this last assination atempt, there was enoufg evidence in those headlines to have the Mediia, FBI and Injustices system indicted for treason. His book alone marks him as a traitor, hiring Mercernaies for Ukraine. There is more there, that hasn't been dug up of why he was not on the No Fly, Terrorist Watch list, and Convicted felon with a Gun, we don't know if he bought in Hawaii or in the USA. Cheatle was there sacfrical DEI.

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Exactly correct.

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We Never did have fire brand GOP Politicians!! They are great actors who are all in on the ruse together! The UNIPARTY! Politicians were bought, sold, and paid for on Christmas Eve in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson sold out the United States to the Central Banks (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Vanderbilts) and allowed them to print money for the Government!

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Sep 20Liked by Edwin

No better stated and we suffer for it, today.

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That we—the patriots and conservatives and Republicans and Christians—are, in general, the party of the namby-pambies.

From their point of view—and truth be told, from ours also—we are the party of live and let live, of civility and good manners, of giving our opponents the benefit of the doubt, of rising above their underhanded tactics and refusing to follow suit, of standing on high principle, of turning the other cheek.

Patriots are the party of "Sleeping Giants", the party of you can only "Poke the Bear" for so long, or the party of putting our backs against the wall. When people become desperate and have nothing to lose anymore, they will react and fight back! Now, the left-wing lunatic liberals respond out of emotion and will run out of steam; at the rate they are going, society will not hold up; it will crumble. Patriots and honest tax-paying citizens are what keep things together. I have always said the only two things that are preventing the United States (a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy) from becoming full-on communists is 1.) Christianity, and 2.) The 2nd Amendment! If you look at the history of any Communist government, the two things that were taken away were the right to practice faith (Christianity) and the right to bear arms.

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What makes them (the Democrats) think they can get away with squelching our free speech, restricting our freedom of assembly, charging us with bogus crimes, mobilizing the weaponry of the Justice Department against us, seeking to lock up our party nominee, and in general running roughshod over our basic constitutional rights and terrorizing us in the manner of a police state?

Because the Republicans, like them, don't think of the citizens as the purveyors of power. They think of us as just another small being that they can rule. Most Republicans are no better than communists since they are firmly behind the FBI being the national police, no matter how badly they screw up. They put multiple levels of bureaucracy between them and us.

Have you tried to contact a Congress critter since 9/11? They have filters and blockers and interns to stand between them and us. The few that do read their emails don't respond and don't want your response.

They just want you to bend over and take it like a good little bitch.

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Speaker Johnson has got to go now

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gope. republicants. dnc couldn’t succeed without rnc.

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All they have to do is assure the money!

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You are so correct. Trump is a pit bull who’s fighting for us and we’re complaining that he’s a pit bull and not a golden retriever. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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thanks for the restack Chelie.

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Frederick, thank for the restack.

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Ahmed, thanks for the restack.

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Med Tru Pod, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks Abigail for the restack.

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