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Sep 18Liked by Edwin

Just like the installed demented idiot JoBama, Comrade Commie Kamala is another faker and empty minded fool puppet.

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Danger ahead: Europe's new law is 'going to impact every single American'


While Americans have been focused on the election, the European Union has been in the process of passing a new law. It’s called the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and its reach will go far beyond European borders.

In fact, “It’s going to impact every single American,” Justin Haskins, author and editorial director of the Heartland Institute, tells Allie Beth Stuckey.

“Essentially, what it does is create ESG social credit scores for companies. ... These ESG scores are designed to transform the way companies operate, the kinds of products and services that they can sell, and then, by extension, transform societies around it,” Haskins explains.

China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in


US Earmarks Full Military Aid for Egypt Amid Human Rights Concerns The Biden administration sends full $1.3 billion military aid to Egypt.


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Tragic and true. Very few Americans are aware of the Brussels Effect and the emergent globalist world government, which the EU, UK, and US are moving us toward. The mass media here is hiding it.

"The last few weeks will be remembered as a historic turning point in global efforts to regulate the digital economy.”

That was in the Financial Times this week. How many Americans know this is happening?

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I just popped up in my headline catcher. I am not in favor of digital money, maybe my age 76. Cash, checks, and CC's is as far as I want to go. When Biden stole the WH, his crap sounded like Carter, and Obama. To old, and conservative to trust it. I don't even trust QR's.

So what does this .50 rate cut bring us to. The gas prices are still in my area of W. TN $2.90. Which won't stay there long wil oil $71 and going up. We paid everything off years ago before Trump. I wasn't going into our late senior years with debt hanging over us. Been through that when younger. I doubt many read the Finicial Times. Investors, those who dabble in stocks and gold.

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”Unbelievable” (sarcastic…)

After reading the article you linked and this one https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/new-european-law-would-force-us-businesses-to-adopt-woke-rules

I searched the Web for CSDDD in french (being Belgian…)

NOT A SINGLE critical point of view, only enthusiasts endoctrinated or compliant ”how to’s” …

Every American will be impacted, but looks like every European (or almost) is brain dead.

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I don't understand when he writes that after the Elections.... Americans will be ruled by the same old Deep State progressives that should've gotten the boot in 2016?

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We can have hope, or should we just go ahead and vote Kamala (and tighten the chains we have been forced to wear since the last election).

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But, the Election was stolen. JOE and K are frauds. They were not elected by the People.

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Everybody knows that, will we have round 2?

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obama wanted K. That's why she is in that position.

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They could run Daffy Duck and get the same number of (fictitious) votes.

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And this time it has to be a WINNER.

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Our former Communist Mayor has a K banner hanging from his porch. It says those words of TRUTH.....HOPE.....DECENCY......I gag each time I walk by and leave a few choice words.

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Careful, Lynn, you may be making a target of yourself.

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Not one original thought, Nixon tried price control, so have some NYC mayors. All created disasters.

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Sep 18Liked by Edwin

100% correct

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Neither party the DemonRats nor the RepubTurds have our best interest! Their Allegiance is to a global Government a NWO and to big corporations! WAKE UP and Smell The Coffee People!! Quit Falling for the Biggest Scam on Earth POLITICS! It's the Greatest Show on Earth! Documentary: "Fall of the Republic ~ The Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama" https://rumble.com/v53neuv-barack-obama-fall-of-republic.html

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Medical Truth, thanks for the restack.

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Gregg, Gbil7. thanks for the restack.

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