Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Edwin

Nothing Is Left But Civil War __ [or — Arise and Slit Their Goddamned Throats].


This should have been added.

You listen to his new policy proposals, it becomes readily apparent that the federal government will once again expand and grow under his direction.

I'm still wondering how he plans to pay for it all. I don't see him paying down the national debt as he's promised, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if he proves me wrong and actually does it.

One thing we've all learned. When it comes to Trump and his ability, never underestimate the man.

Anyway one looks at it, he'll still be 1000x better than having Kamala in office.

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I've yet to figure out what to do with the article.

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I think you should re-publish it here (although I'm no fan of the Burning Platform, even they have good ideas occasionally),

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I usally have articles to go with Justin's writing, just not this one. You and Justin are about the same age. I now have two articles I can use. The story is not in my wheel house of history. It's more in Fredricks.

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Big pops also knows that the kids are buried in personal debt with nothing to speak of in savings. So just threaten employers who pass the tyranny onto employees who go along to get along. Covid mandates is the proof source.

The borrower is a slave to lender, employer and government.

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If Tim Walz is "America's Dad", I'd prefer to be an orphan.

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I lost my father in 1971, but I can’t imagine having a dad like Tampon Tim.

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I realized early in life that the government is not my father, or my mother, or my priest, or my God.

If they don't like it, they can let me and my state go away, but they won't, because they like being able to tell 30million people what to do and how to be scared. But at the same time, they don't lift a hand to help when half of a county is on fire, or the coast is flooded.

They are like a classic example of an evil step-parent. They take, take, take, but don't give back.

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Yes, but the majority of people are stupid, or, if intelligent, they're fearful, which is why most won't wake up.

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True, when people have nothing to lose, they will take up arms, but by then, it will be too late! The Government allows you just enough to keep people fat and happy! It is an old Roman strategy called Bread and Circus! This Empire (The U.S. Empire) is about to crumble. There is not enough "pie' to go around. The downfall of the Roman Empire was Corruption, Greed, Over Taxation, and Homosexuality! Sound Familiar?

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Haha that’s what you think , do you go out much , every day perfect strangers talk time about what I’m reading and tell me what they are reading . If I make a random comment about politics. The majority is awake , very awake

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Edwin

That's great, if that's your experience. I imagine it's a question of personal perspective and the kind of company one's in.

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I’m at a crossroads of the North East metro area .I’m talking to people flying in from vacations in the Caribbean and Couples from Boston ,Couples from NYC college students from Providence colleges. Business people from Texas , Florida and almost everywhere. Immigrants from China immigrants from Haiti. Korean businessman and women . I have the pulse of Americans

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The morons that rule are exactly that morons. With all the toys and the slaves have finally thought yeh ... not woth playing if the rich crypto plutocrat military brats have all the toys...

So yeh they can suffer in there billionaire bunkers eating tinned caviar once they figure out how to open the can... alas alot will pass on not being able to figure out tin cans.

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Sep 3Liked by Edwin

Hear hear! 👂 Well said! 🫡

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Thanks for the restack, Amy.

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Greg lund, thanks for the restack.

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Kenn, mcgdoc, thanks for the restack.

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