
Prince Harry’s Christmas Message

16TH DECEMBER 2022. by Dr. Coleman

Prince Harry used a ghost writer to help him write the new book which he wrote. So it seems fair that I should help him write his Christmas Message. He hasn’t seen it yet. I hope he likes it.

Here it is.

‘It has been a terrible year. Meghan and I have had a really bad time of it and all the media can talk about is people not being able to afford to keep warm or buy food. Why don’t they think about us and our problems?’

‘The papers have betrayed us by spending so much time reporting strikes and floods and unexpected deaths and wars and unimportant stuff like that. Don’t they realise that Meghan and I have had to deal with much bigger problems?’

‘There are lots of things that people don’t know about and that haven’t been reported. When we went to Buckingham Palace one day someone who I won’t name unless I’m given more money asked for a cup of black coffee. They did this in Meghan’s presence and without any thought for how she might feel about it. I can tell you that it affected her very deeply. That sort of institutional racism is common in the Palace. Lots of people drink black coffee without for a moment thinking about the race issue. Meghan was in tears for a week the first time she heard someone ask for a cup of black coffee.’

‘And then one Christmas someone, whom I won’t name, but a member of my family who is very high up in the hierarchy and whose Christian name begins with a C, allowed someone else to play some carols on a record player. And one of the carols was called ‘White Christmas’. That was blatant racism. How obvious do you have to be? Both Meghan and I were devastated and we cried for a week but we received no special counselling. That was just another example of racism. That sort of thing could not happen in America where we are now because there is no racism among the Americans. That’s why we chose to be here.’

‘And then there was the trifle incident. The papers never reported that but it was very significant. We were having tea with my brother and his wife and trifle was served. When the servant served Kate he gave her a piece which had 43 little silver balls on it but when Meghan was served she had a piece which only had 42 little silver balls on it. That sort of preferential treatment was commonplace and it was very hurtful. My brother’s wife said that two of the little silver balls were cracked and only counted as one but that’s the sort of thing people say and it doesn’t ease the pain. How could anyone ever get used to that sort of treatment? No one knows what we’ve had to suffer. So that’s why we’re reaching out and telling our story with the help of television companies and publishers.’

‘And then, to make things worse, my brother’s wife (whose name I don’t like to say) asked for a second helping and was given it. Meghan did not get a second helping. She said she would have liked to have had a second helping but she was full and didn’t much like the trifle anyway. My brother’s wife should have been more considerate. It was rude and selfish and elitist of her to have a second helping when Meghan didn’t want any more.’

‘I am very cross with the way the media has written about people not being able to afford to heat their houses or buy food. Those things don’t matter much and anyway if people want more money they should just make TV documentaries about themselves or write books about themselves. We did very nicely out of that and have earned enough for a very ordinary lifestyle. Everyone should do the same. The trouble is that people are just lazy and expect things to work out better for them without them making any effort. People should stop complaining and find people to write books for them.’

‘And there was another example of racism in the Palace. Whenever there was a big dinner at the Palace the men wore black trousers and jackets even though most of them they weren’t black people. That’s another example of cultural and racial appropriation which Meghan finds so offensive. And at my grandmother’s funeral a lot of white people were wearing black clothing. That was racist too. My grandmother was the queen, by the way, and when she died I didn’t inherit any of her palaces. That’s another thing that just wasn’t fair. Meghan cried about that. We would have liked another palace that we could move over to America. Meghan and I are expected to cope with just the £100 million or so we’ve earned so far from selling our story. It should have been much more. Flying by private plane and having lots of servants costs a great deal of money. People don’t realise how hard up we are. And the papers just keep on and on about the cost of heating and food. It’s not the cost of heating and food they should worry about but the cost of 24 hour a day security with expensive bodyguards and private jets – those are the things that matter to us.’

‘I think it’s very unfair that selfish people spend so much time worrying about their own little problems and not worrying about our problems which are much more important than anything else in the whole wide world.’

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A Nurses’ Strike Will Murder Thousands

13TH DECEMBER 2022 by Dr. Coleman

If British nurses go on strike they will betray centuries of caring and they will murder thousands of people. Essential treatments will inevitably be delayed. The suffering endured by the innocent and by those in pain will be immense.

If you deliberately choose to do something which results in a death then you’re a murderer.

If nurses walk out and go on strike then there is absolutely no doubt patients will die as a result.

This is guaranteed. And nurses must know this.

Nurses who strike probably won’t end up in court – though they should.

But they will have to live with the fact that they have betrayed their profession and their patients and they are murderers.

Nurses are not poorly paid. And their inflation busting pay demands are absurd and selfish and they must know they will never be met. The odd thing is that according to the BBC (a discredited conspiracy supporter) the Royal College of Nursing wants to have pay talks with the Government. If that’s true (and we always have to be careful with anything reported on the discredited BBC) it seems to show arrogance and ignorance since unions negotiate with their employers and the NHS, not the Government, is the relevant employer.

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How will anyone know if GPs go on strike?

13TH DECEMBER 2022. by Dr. Coleman

GPs are threatening to go on strike. They want a 30% pay rise, a three day week – working nine to five with a one hour lunch break. That’s a 21 hour week.

But for years now many GPs have been refusing to see patients at all – staying at home and only speaking to patients on the phone or via computer.

The vast majority of GPs already refuse to visit patients in their homes (they claim it’s a waste of their valuable time) and they won’t see patients outside their working hours. There is no service at night, at weekends or on bank holidays.

Unbelievably, GPs claim that they are overworked. But the truth is that it’s because of lazy GPs that hospitals and the ambulance service can’t cope.

So, the question is: if GPs do go on strike – how the hell will anyone know? The service they are supposed to provide couldn’t be much worse than it already is.

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Meghan and Harry: Is a Dangerous Folie a Deux, helping the Conspirators?

13TH DECEMBER 2022 by Dr. Coleman

When I worked as a GP I was also a part time police surgeon. I was called out one night to a murder. An old man and his dog had been beaten to death by burglars and I had to take body temperatures of both and write a forensic report.

A day or so later I was called to examine the two murderers who had confessed. I had to take hair and nail samples from both of them for forensic analysis.

One of the murderers was tough and belligerent. The other was meek and nervous. It was a classic case of folie a deux. The weak guy was involved only because he did what the stronger man told him to do.

I was reminded of all that by the recent activities of the Californian royals, surely the world’s greatest whingers. It seems to me that the pair are a perfect example of a folie a deux relationship. Meghan is in charge. Harry, who was once wild enough to dress up as a Nazi, just follows.

Just watch the clip from their pathetic Netflix programme where Meghan shows how she curtseyed to the late queen. I think she’s being painfully sneery, sarcastic and contemptuous and her little bit of acting is truly embarrassing.

But it’s Harry we need to look at.

Harry, sitting beside her, definitely seems embarrassed and, I suspect, as near to ashamed as he can look.

But he doesn’t say anything.

I think he knows he should say something. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t even have his wife’s little bit of acting removed from the film – even when his grandmother is dead he leaves it there because Meghan is in charge. This is her big role in life though I suspect that until she joined the `firm’ she didn’t realise she’d married the wrong brother. She’d got the ‘spare heir’ and has realised, too late, that she’s always going to be nothing more than a bit part player as a relatively minor royal in the royal soap. In her desperate lunge for attention she seems to me to have managed to turn Harry into a whining, moaning child.

I thought it interesting that the disreputable Meghan show received similar ratings to another tired soap opera – Eastenders. I wonder if Netflix now think it was worth the sort of money they’re reputed to have paid.

(I see, incidentally, that the entitlement duo were unhappy about a member of the royal family wearing a brooch which they thought was considered racist. Really. When I was a boy I collected the stickers from Robinson’s marmalade and exchanged them for little enamelled badges of gollywogs. They were lovely little gollywogs doing a variety of sporty things. I have no idea where my badges went to but they were rather jolly and I wish I still had them. They had absolutely nothing to do with racism and anyone who thinks they were racist needs something in their life to worry about. To take offence at a brooch or badge which depicts a black person is as absurd as taking offence at Punch and Judy puppets making fun of white people.)

How much longer can this rather sad, pair keep this charade going? How long can they milk their relationship with his family? How long will the press continue to feed the couple’s extraordinary need for publicity at any price? How much hypocrisy can be ignored?

I suspect the answer is that the pair will dominate the news cycles as long as they are useful to the conspirators.

After all, their circus antics are helping the conspirators to hide the terrible things that are happening – such as the giving of the toxic, deadly covid-19 jab to babies, the death by starvation and freezing to death of thousands of elderly Westerners and the death by starvation of hundreds of millions of (mostly black) babies and children in Africa and Asia.

Thanks in part to the Meghan and Harry circus, millions of babies will be injured or killed by a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine, doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do and isn’t safe. And the deliberate cold-blooded raising of energy prices will cause mass starvation in Africa and the East.

And there’s some irony there, isn’t there?

Meghan and Harry moan about a brooch they think is racist but they provide the media and the conspirators with a smokescreen behind which racist genocide continues unnoticed.

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The End of Royal Mail and Daily Postal Deliveries?

16TH DECEMBER 2022 by Dr. Coleman

Britain has the oldest postal service in the world. The penny black stamp was the first stamp in the world. And, because of this, Britain produces the only stamps in the world which do not bear the name of the country of origin.

The principle behind the Royal Mail has always been that the post would be delivered to every dwelling in the country. In Victorian days the mail was delivered as frequently as four times a day and the postal service was so efficient that a housewife could post her order, request or suggestion to the butcher or greengrocer in the morning, receive a reply by lunchtime and then post her revised order in the afternoon in the certain knowledge that the ordered goods would be delivered, by post, in time for dinner.

After the Royal Mail was sold into private hands, the service gradually deteriorated. Deliveries are now made just once a day (compared to the traditional twice a day deliveries); collections from post boxes are far less frequent and there have already been suggestions that deliveries will be restricted to week days and eventually only to urban addresses, with rural home owners presumably expected to make trips into their nearest town to collect their mail from some sort of central hub or, maybe, a bank of labelled collecting boxes.

As the service has deteriorated it has been clear that many of the problems have been created by trade union demands.

In 2022, even though the company was losing huge amounts of money the unions continued to call strikes which made things worse and pushed more customers into using other delivery services. I can’t be the only person to have noticed that firms selling through the mail are now using other delivery companies instead of Royal Mail.

The irony is that the postal service has deteriorated rapidly at the same time as the number of letters being posted has been falling dramatically (meaning that the strain on the service was considerably less than it had been).

So, what is going on? Is there a hidden agenda behind the failing postal service in the UK?

I believe there is. I believe the underlying plan is to destroy the Royal Mail completely. And strangely, I believe the trade unions (which seem to me to be largely supportive of the Great Reset and the aims of the World Economic Forum) are pursuing policies which seem to support this plan.

The conspirators are determined that we will all conduct all our business online. They want us to bank online, to do all our shopping online, to be educated online, to be treated for health problems online and so on. A postal service not only provides some freedom from online dominance but it also provides a level of privacy that is not available online. Although the authorities might like to open and read correspondence sent by mail they cannot do this as easily as they can read correspondence sent by e-mail (which they do, of course).

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Why demonstrating nurses who wear uniforms in the street are reckless and lethal

16TH DECEMBER 2022 by Dr. Coleman

Antibiotic resistant organisms are a huge problem in hospitals – particularly NHS hospitals.

Poor hygiene and a failure to understand how infections spread mean that dangerous antibiotic resistant bugs are a major killer in hospitals. At least 1 in 20 hospital patients pick up infections in the hospital where they are being treated – and many die from hospital acquired infections. (Death certificates written by hospital doctors rarely tell the truth. For example, a patient will be said to have died of a ‘chest infection’ rather than a ‘hospital acquired chest infection’.)

Consider staphylococcus for example. In 1952, virtually all staph infections could be cured by penicillin. Today, most patients with a staph infection need treatment with other antibiotics.

MRSA and C.difficile are incredibly difficult to treat because of antibiotic resistance.

It now takes 50 times as much penicillin to treat an infection as was required a few decades ago.

The huge danger is that the killer antibiotic resistant infections which are responsible for many hospital deaths will escape and become a threat in the outside community.

Back in 1977, in my book Paper Doctors I warned that two things would result in a rise in infectious diseases: a lack of hygiene in hospitals and the abuse of antibiotics. I also predicted the rise in antibiotic resistant organisms.

It has all happened.

And these resistant bugs are already escaping from hospitals.

Nurses and other hospital staff should never, ever leave the hospital where they work while still wearing the uniforms they wear on the wards or operating theatres.

And yet that is exactly what demonstrating nurses are doing.

They will inevitably spread antibiotic resistant organisms outside hospitals.

The problem with antibiotic resistance will rocket as a direct result.

If nurses want to demonstrate they should do so in their own clothing – not in hospital garb.

But that wouldn’t make them quite so photogenic, would it?

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Whoa! Quite a post thanks.

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So much gloomy news but the remark about Charles brought a smile to my face!

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A point to note.

I am "supermarket staff" and I would smash all of the self scan checkouts with hammers.

Many of us despise them, but of course, that version of things can't ever be allowed to be heard.

I do accidentally tell the customers my thoughts though.

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