Jun 18Liked by Edwin

I don’t think they’ll get near as many to comply this time 😆

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Jun 18Liked by Edwin

We all moved from a blue state to a red state and it was a huge difference. People were all shuttered in in the blue state people here about business as usual.

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they really have no choice. they’ve been exposed a bit. they can’t apologize now. they can only do nothing and let more truth come out and risk legal fallout, or push harder, further. its what all communists and totalitarians do. only one real way it stops.

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Jun 18Liked by Edwin

Maybe inspectors should just snoop in the cow poop, after all they don't have to go through toilet flushes. If I cannot have toilet privacy why should cattle. The stupid is making me cranky and I loathe being cranky.

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Why doesn't Dr. Coleman gives us a plan. I am sick of everybody just telling what the Leftists are going to TRY and do to us. What good does that do? Let them TRY to come after our Doggies and

Kitties. DO NOT COMPLY....

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I'm afraid the plan is to do what the Republican RINOs do. Nothing. Or the plan is to do what MAGA people want to do and that's fight. Unfortunately, the swamp wins either way. If we surrender we die. If we fight, it's all the reason they need to send in the mercenaries we've let them flood the country with...If we vote they already have an 8 million vote lead (ballots will be handed to illegals with coffee)No ID necessary.

Ryan's republicans made sure 2020 was all locked up, and now four years later courts are starting to find descrepencies in the 2020 rules.

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Oh, it took the court 4 years to find discrepancies. Right on cue. Unfortunate, that the Republicans won't do what is right. We the People will have to take the rein or be taken over. Ryan is just another puppet doing as he is told. I heard he isn't the man he claims to be?

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Republicans, or RepubliCONS.

If you have faith in them it is misplaced.

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Read the stories above.

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Faith is with MAGA and President Trump.

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Get writing Lynn. Patriots need to be writing first then fighting. Over we have a man Nigel Farage who is a Trump accolyte. He's got my vote which will get me into trouble with the local bureucrats. It's got to be done.

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YES, I was going to ask you what about Nigel Farage. Sorry, about your business. What kind of business did you have?

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I had a business where I told stories and booked storytellers, authors, poets and performers to come to locatiuons and entertain live audiences. The virus closed the venues and I guess \i hung on too long. It meant losing my house and living in a tent in the woods for three months. I'm back in a house now and trying to rebuild a life.

I had this business as well https://youtu.be/6PMicCvzZw8?feature=shared

One of my interviews...But financing ran out So once again I'm trying to rebuild.

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It sounded like a very nice business. We need more of your kind of business.

I am glad that you are now back in a house. You are a strong person.

Take Care of yourself+

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I agree Lynn, but that means that we the people must be prepared to die...because the battle will be with a government using mercenaries (illegal immigrants promised citizenship) then the feds and cia/doj/hs and Swat trained democrats. then they will have your brothers, cousins, uncles who are deep blue and hate you. Are you prepared to kill members of your family?

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My husband came from Communist Hungary. USSR occupied Hungary for

45 years. He's doing whatever it takes. He has no place else to go. Either we be prepared or the deep BLUES will kill us.

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That is the spirit that might just make the difference, Lynn. Your husband's story is the one that needs to be told. I live in England (and I'm English) but my heart and soul belong to the uSA (as does the woman I love but that's another story). I lived under a mild socialism in the 1950s, 60s and 70s when the Labour Party dominated British politics and destroyed our manufacturing, mining, transport and energy industries.

We have an election in July and they will be in power again because the Tory Party became weak...only this time the Labour Party has been fully infiltrated by dedicated WEF, Marxists and Islamist representatives.

I am looking for any ways to get into the United States before I die.

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The illegals get into the US. Why not you? I hope and pray you can get into the US. My husband has a story, also. He and his Mother came from Communist Hungary. His Father's construction business was nationalized

3 times. On the third time his Father died of a heart attack at age 50. His

Mother was a Medical Doctor and wouldn't become Communist. Communist

took my husband's grandparents' farm. They were given 24 hours to leave.

Luckily, they had an apartment in Budapest. His Mother had to start all over

again in the US. She worked hard passed all her tests and became a

Doctor in the US. They came to the US with 2 suitcases and very LITTLE

money in their pockets. What you're describing is what the Leftists are

TRYING to do in the US with our industries. Let us know what happens in

your situation. Sorry, that you are going through this turmoil. No wonder with the WEF, Marxists, and Islamist.

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Nope I am not prepared to die for what this country has become. Our Heavenly Father decides when it is our time to pass.

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You are correct. Too late for anything to be done. If the Republicans stood together like the Democrats do we might stand a chance.

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Maybe we need to outlaw PCR tests?

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There never was a PCR test. It was another LIE.

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I don't know what is real anymore.

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None of it is real except the power taken by the leaders without anyone’s permission.

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The only birds that get Bird Flu are the kind you eat and provide eggs. CHICKENS.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin

That means more NO … NO … NO

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I know "they" call it bird flu, but it's more like election infection '24.

The real problem this time though, is the PCR (false positive) tests they want to use on animals. It will most assuredly cause a culling of our food ~beef, chicken & pork? ~ supply. The closer it gets to Nov. the worse it'll be.

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Just say no.

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craig, Frank, Sues, Ahmed, Sharon & Kenn, thank for the restacks, buddies like you make it worthwhile, thank you.

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This goofy old prick was recommending the shots when they were initially roled out.

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Really, got any evidence for that.

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