WE have DEW on a macro scale and now we have DEW on a personal micro scale. What is next for this digital age?

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Communists ……chicoms the people who organ harvest wipe out entire cultures object hmmm

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Sep 21Liked by Edwin

Blaming China for this is beyond misplaced.

It is deliberately disingenuous. Or even 'disingenuous,' some would say.

There is a market for cheap devices. As with drugs, if there is demand there will be supply. Just look at Big (P)harma in the USA...

In this case;

A nation with extensive covert access and resources messed with the supply chain for those devices. Placed an explosive charge in them. And then unleashed them on the world. Because after a shipment is dispersed there is little to no control over where the end products end up.

In other words, a state sponsor of terrorism planned for and executed an attack that killed/injured a significant number of non-target people. An indiscriminate attack. Which caused mass casualties. The very definition of terrorism.

But then, that state sponsor has a long history of such. Start with the King David Hotel, and move forward through time, there is no shortage of examples.

If the CCP wanted to make a point they could take this to the ICC. Collect some evidence and have the sickening web of criminality exposed for the world to see. Just who exactly were the bad actors? And how many other governments knew, prior?

For those who have eyes and want to see, those details are important.


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No more so than the Israeli kids killed in the missile attack, on the soccer field.

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Here's hoping China implodes first! My experience with the Chinese mindset is that in their eyes, taking advantage of every and any situation to gain advantage, by any method, is their duty, culturally. It is why their GDP will likely be greater than ours in a year or two...so, (see first sentence)....

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Hilarious! China strongly condeming anyone for being "unhumanitarian"??? Seriously. Furthermore, why does chyna continue to make fakes???

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For the money!

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Of course for the money.... but if they are such paradigms of honesty, justice, being "humanitarian", doing the right thing, you'd expect they'd put a stop to building all the knock-off radios, watches, pagers, and virtually anything else electric or not... how do you tell if a chynaman is lying, like a democrat, he/she/it/they/them's mouth is moving.

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Excellant. What everyone misses the jhadist kill wontly and who do not follow their brand of Islam. The Beirut Barracks bombing bombing and 9/11 prove that. They are serial killers. https://www.stripes.com/theaters/middle_east/2024-09-20/israel-strike-beirut-rare-strike-15242874.html

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Sharon, Greg lund, thanks for the restacks.

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For the record, I do not own any cheap ICOM products from China or anywhere else for that matter.

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Fuck Israel, Fuck the USA government. War mongering monsters ALL.

All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

1930's Cartoon


Not Funny

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