
Any attempt to put some truth into this campaign is doomed to fail because of one thing, and that thing is Communism, it is all a deception of the greatest kind in human history.


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Thank you Edwin . Harris is a liar . Maybe all politicians lie or stretch the truth … but she can tell mad lies without any conviction it seems .

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Deception is mandatory under Marxism.

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Like with the swipe of her pen. Little Commie/Marxist. Her father taught her well.

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100% Edwin and Lynn

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Thank you.

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And to YOU too, Brandon :-)

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Steponus used that line under Clinton.

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Would you like Coke, or Pepsi? Or are you sick and tired of both? What's that, I HAVE to choose one? Ah, no thanks. Both are poison.

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The Fix is in! They will cheat so much this year that they will make 2020 look like a fair election, and if anybody disputes the results, they will remind you of J6 and what they will do to you! J6 and the theatrics was about setting a precedence when questioning future elections moving forward! It was a power play! That pep rally on J6 was never about an insurrection. Do you notice how the RepubTurds went along and agreed with the DemonRats about J6 and the Scamdemic of 2020 went along with it? The politicians of both parties have our backs against the wall!

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It is rather clear that Cumala's handlers DON'T want her to be president or she would have been declared president already by now through the 25th Ammendment. Nobody wants EITHER traitor joe or Cumala to be POTUS. #MAGA2MEGA

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Greg, thanks for the restack.

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Medical Truth, Arturo, Greg, thanks for the restacks.

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COMMIES FOR KAMALA? Hanoi Jane Fonda Campaigning Door-to-Door for Harris in Michigan (VIDEO)



Hanoi Jane Fonda is back and she is campaigning for Kamala Harris by knocking on doors in Michigan.

Report: Vets wait decades for help on military toxic exposure issues


Trump new ad

President Trump Just Broke the Internet With This New Ad


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