See Richard's Substack for the full, complete article.

It is time for us to accept this, and maybe even do something about it, although it is already too late.

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What think ye, shall we hasten the collapse of "the economic system" by taking out life insurance policies on our poor deluded cohorts who got the jab? Slap my own face for such a thought, but ... srsly...

By the way, I got curious about who the author is & did a search. Some "science" website rips him to shreds. Then I clicked on "Funding" at the bottom of their page. Unsurprisingly, it's all the usual (huge corporation) suspects.

So thanks for sharing his thought-provoking article!

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Yeah, and it is Substack.

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Thanks for the restack guys & gals.

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My son's beautiful girlfriend was a senior in high school when the vaccines rolled out. Her mom took her and her brother the first chance they got. They thought they were doing the right thing, and my girl was so proud when she came and announced her vaccination.

Last November, at university, she had a grand mal seizure while driving. The car went over the curb , and ended up in a field with the front axle broken in half. She remembers none of it. She had another seizure at my house, later that night. At 21, she is now taking anti-spasmodics for life.

She is such a lovely, sweet, kind-hearted, empathetic girl.

More than anything, I want your article to be wrong. I want to chuck it in the bin and never think of it again.

However, my experience leads me to believe that you are right. People have to wake up and fight for their lives, and for the lives of those who will come in the future.

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We have got to help these people, but Big Pharma says no!

It's good I'm retired, because I am not sure what I would do (other than get fired).

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My profound sympathy for your girl. I knew just by the speed they put it out THAT IT WAS BS.

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I really thought at “stadium vaccination centers” the population would see the absurdity..I was wrong

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Kind of like Beatlemania but deadly instead.

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Ties in nicely with the incredibly suspicious Deagel forecast for 2025, from a few years ago.


Note that it is mainly the Western countries that suffer such catastrophic losses.

US = 227 million people less.

UK = 51 million less

Germany = 52 million less

On the top right of the page, you can see the forecast from different years by clicking on the date, not the arrow.

Interesting times ahead.

At least there shouldn't be a housing shortage.

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Population is not a static number, particularly in North America where we are importing the world's population (often the dregs of said population) faster than we can be eliminated.

Where the number takes real significance is our ability to resist the forces taking our society and lives down, right now we have the numbers perhaps, but "we" are steadily fading away.

The saying goes that "if China had freedom of speech they wouldn't have the CCP!"

They could eliminate the tyrants in minutes with organization.

We could likely do the same today, but maybe not tomorrow....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The open border illegal immigrants will replace the culled.

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How will they maintain the infrastructure for survival in a Northern climate or do they just go mad max? They have much simpler infrastructure where they came from in most cases.

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They won’t!

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Already are ..traveling through California and Arizona .. lots of very tan and happy people working extremely busy

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Perhaps they don’t know, or care, their future looks bleak due to mis-management by the government (what government).

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But there is a housing shortage because of all the illegals.

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I wondered if that might happen when I heard about the black sludge they were pulling out of the lymph nodes of the dead. Those huge long clots are the first problem, and them trying to turn humans into droids is the other.

That's why I didn't take the fauxine. I was surprised at how education has changed since I graduated high school. Our classes went into depth on the mRNA genes and what they did. It's sort of why I was leery about them using mRNA for a fauxine.

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At first I was "I'll wait ten, fifteen years for the shot." but quickly gave that up for not taking it when I heard it was going to be mRNA. And I couldn't believe the people rushing to get it, "Are they crazy" I thought, but it was mandated, what the fuck, they can't mandate anything.

But they did!

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My husband got the complete 💯 and he asks for more.


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Good girl, he hasn’t come to his senses, and probably won’t.

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IIRC, a mandate has to be a court order. Judicial, not legislative branch. Thus, a governor cannot issue a mandate. So they just fooled people by using the term. Or having the press do so. Then many bosses, shop owners, etc believed they had no alternative but to insist on vacks, masks, etc. And many, including law-enforcement, believed THEM.

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When I was in my formative years, I was taught to "question authority".

Recently edumacated young adults are instructed to "embrace authority", question nothing (critical thinking BAD!) and eventually "become the authority".

I don't foresee a change for the better considering what we have to work with here.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I wasn't, but after a few years in community pharmacy, I had to make a choice for my patients, and I'm glad I chose correctly.

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In contrast, I ran across this article posted on Microsoft website to bolster Gates vaccine push.


In addition, it is reported that the CDC is upping their monitoring of waste water to identify the the presence of bird flu virus. Also designed to keeps us going down the RNA road to hades. IMO, interfering with the blue print of life will result in the extermination of the human race if we keep going down this road, when the root cause of 95% of the disease states are preventable with life style changes and getting toxins out of our food and environment and boosting good nutrient intake.

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Yes, like Vit D levels (as you have pointed out).

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Vit D is just the canary in the coal mine. Goes way beyond D, with many nutrient deficiencies caused by the chronic consumption of Rx drugs that deplete key nutrients. Statins deplete Co Q 10 and the cardiologists just go with the flow and push to prescribe statins. Suzy Cohen has written a book called Drug Muggers that explains the ignorance of the medicine man.

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I have strongly suggested to my Dr that if he thinks I'm doing stations......he better have his will written

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Yes, I rest my case.

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I'll read it!

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Chinese virus? Pretty sure the congressional hearings proved this was a North Carolina virus brought to Wuhan.

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Did they, oh I trust them completely, they wouldn't cover for the Chinese no matter how many Billions of our tax money they got in return, for their efforts to assume all responsibility for everything, NOT.

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You may want to watch this. There is some discussion of the Baric lab in Chapel Hill.

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Yes, Baric passed the virus through multiple generations (of rats) to get the enhancement he desired. What if he, in China, decided to do this with a captive human element which has been silent in the news, the Uyghurs.

This may be why China was involved, what bio-researcher would pass up a chance to experiment on a captive human element, to have nature select from the most lethal strain, through multiple generations of patients. Well a moral bio-researcher wouldn't, but as we've seen, morality has left the building.

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I suppose the greatest thing at play is whether a person believes more that depop or experimentation is the primary goal. It is my opinion that experimentation is the primary goal. With experiments there is having controls, observation, and varying variables, for which we analyze the results. Even in the manufacturing, distribution, storage, administration (aspirating or not, bolus effect), individual factors (personal health, mindset, genetics, sex, age, race, environmental factors, ability to detox whether naturally or through treatments, comorbidities), dosage amount, number of doses, frequency of dosage, interaction with other medications or allergies ... on top of all of that, if there's experimentation, and you want to know what affects what, you would purposefully want to vary the ingredients to understand outcome based on probability AND you would also impose controls (i.e. placebos, which in turn could also get contaminated or administered or reacted to differently). So I am more of the opinion that no just because you get a covid vax, you do not have a 3-5 year death sentence. I've seen where people are healthier (even after seemingly injured from vax) because of what they eat drink exercise and mindset. I think there are other factors that could be hurting people more, including imposing unnecessary fear and stress. This is just my opinion. Others are set on depop. They are entitled to their opinion. But my opinion is people are mostly getting used, lied to, and taken advantage of to understand and unravel how things work, and if death or injury comes then it is seen as a possible outcome but because they prioritize experimentation first, they accept it will come with the territory. People normally don't sign up to be guinea pigs nilly willy. Instead coercion, incentives, mandates, propaganda, guilt will be applied, even stealth tactics which are also likely happening to and why so-called "purebloods" may not be as pure as they believe.

In all, let's ask these questions too: do I feel great, do I feel healthy, do I feel strong, can I think clearly and focus, do I feel happy, do I make others feel happy, do I still have a positive outlook, do I look forward to tomorrow, do I feel useful, do I feel connected to our Creator and am I grateful for the gift of life, do I smile, laugh, love, and feel alive? Some people believe detox is the solution, some gold and silver, some connecting with nature or protecting from EMF, others making their blood looking exactly the way they want, or creating even more laws to not allow certain things. It's all so complicated, that it can be overwhelming. I think it's important to ask regardless of how things play out (to reflect on now instead of under pressure, even perhaps to plan and run through scenarios): how will I react? Will I do anything different? Who am I supporting with where my money is going? How reliant am I on the system? What are my priorities? Will I keep my integrity intact? Do I care enough to try to engage in respectful discussion with others? What am I willing to do and not do? Where do I draw a line in the sand? Am I willing to postpone plans for a better time to do something because I don't want to follow the rules-of-the-day imposed on me? Will I move or is it worth it for me to stay and fight for my and my family's homebase? How important is freedom to me and/or what rules will I always need to follow?

And lastly,

Will I participate?

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The experiment is still going on! Purebloods are not immune but they have a lot better odds than those who took the 'shot.' Some who got the 'shot' got only saline, but some got graphene, mRNA, and a whole host of other agents, or some combination of the above.

It is past time to help those that were injected with potentially lethal substances, but the Big Pharma companies are still pushing the 'shot.' It is an insane system.

Yet, the experiment goes on.

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As long as people with money, power, authority, influence and control desire immortality, pain-free, disease-free life, feeling and looking youthful with enough resources to sustain themselves and their clan perpetually, the experimentation, coercion, bribing, etc, will continue. It may take different forms, overlap, ebb and flow, but it will continue. Thus, we need to understand how to deal with it or react because, you are correct, it is not over. A quick visit to view recent federal laws passed, executive orders, or precisionvaccinations.com can tell us that.

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Lee, I have to agree with you! I have parroted this point on multiple occasions in my podcast with medical experts, and they gloss over the point you made. It makes sense that this was a worldwide "Clinical Research" study on the population that contained geographically specific variations of vaccine formulations, control groups, etc, where large amounts of data were collected to gauge the physiological and psychological response or outcome. The tip-off for me was freeing big pharma from the liability based on the sheer magnitude of the "Clinical Research" and the frantic rollout of Operation Warp Speed. Interestingly, the bioweapon had to be injected into arms several months after the flu broke out.

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I am truly alarmed by the mass vaccination of children. I see that in Canada they are trying to go for the annual shots of covid, flu and RSV for children. I am tired of the covid games. I am aware there are so many lies. I am tired of Health Canada. I think mass vaccination of children should seriously be looked at.

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Should be stopped Immediately but unfortunately too many parents are complacent, uninformed and brainwashed by the "System" with good reason considering that Big Pharma spends billions of dollars a year on marketing and the use of mainstream media!

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I completely agree.

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Absolutely 💯 along with mass push back!!

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How would annual shots be enforced and/or what measures of coercion are in place for this to happen?

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It might be apart of childcare or school enrollment. Yet, I see it more as a strong propaganda push. I also see community pressure from people who do not participate. I also see censorship of information being apart of this.

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Thank you for responding. I am dual and won't be moving back to Canada. Trying to understand though how people are so willing to go along when it's their kids lives at stake.

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I am not participating in the UN, CDC,WEF,WHO, CIA, FBI


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That's what I tell people too, easiest way to explain and have them think about it more. I've never called it with the P word either. I refuse to use that word.

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Powers that be show no interest unless they are doing so covertly. Spike in vaxxx damage coincident with vaxxx roll-out

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Newfound autoimmune syndrome tied to COVID-19 can trigger deadly lung scarring

The syndrome — which scientists have dubbed "MDA5-autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonitis contemporaneous with the COVID-19 pandemic," or MIP-C for short — is a rare, serious condition in which the immune system inadvertently attacks the body



Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time To Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ Of Covid Vaccines


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Again, thanks for the restacks guys & gals, I know I hardly respond to them, but they are much appreciated, Thank You.

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Millions will die irrespective of the covid injections.

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IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic

Now, it turns out it was all a lie.

Francis Collins, the former director of the National Insitute of Health, admitted in a closed-door interview earlier this year that he did not see any scientific

evidence that social distancing was a proven method of containing the virus.


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Of course, everything was a lie, with just enough truth mixed in to confuse people. Hey, it sounds good, doesn't it. IT WAS A LIE!

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We’ll see more deaths among the unvaccinated as well.

Think of all the babies that miscarried from an unvaxxed mother, but shedding from close family members and partners that caused them.

If you follow Dr Ana Marie Mihalcea’s substack, along with other doctors and researchers, they are finding the same technology in injectable medications. I can attest to knowing two people that did not take the bioweapon injections, but have recently been injected with insulin, in one, and Botox (🤦🏼‍♀️) in another. And both are shedding now.

I can’t be around those who are shedding. I break out in horrible rashes. And have been for the last 1 1/2 years after being touched by two physical therapists that took the bioweapon injections. And there was a huge uptick in the amount of people shedding about 4 months ago. It’s gotten so bad for me that I can no longer go into stores or even drive thru’s. I have to order everything online and do parking lot pick ups or have it mailed.

I’ve believed for quite some time that the vaccinated are not just shedding/transmitting ‘spike proteins’ or ‘plasmids’ or ‘venoms’ or prions.. but in fact shedding transmitting nanobacteria vis exosomes.


Sanguineum-ancient bacteria

Brucella - I haven’t really research what diseases this one is affiliated with. But there is a patent on in from 1957

Bartonella- this one is related to Morgellons, Lyme and Lupus. I’m thinking Lyme, Morgellons and Lupus were test runs for what’s going on today. But any one of these causes I’ll health.

How do I know this is what people are shedding/transmitting as well? I’ll tell ya.. I have a Spooky2 frequency generator. It’s based off Dr Rife’s frequency machine. A month ago I came across a preset that was for “Stealth Nanobacteria” I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Stealth nanobacteria. So then I went to programs and found nanobacteria in there too. I created a custom list to ‘kill’ and another to ‘remove’. I ran the remove after the preset finished. As always, when I get shed/transmitted on it takes anywhere from 6 to 10 hours to show up. It’s usually in the middle of the night that I wake up itching like I had poison oak or a flea bitten dog! Then the rashes appear over the next three days and am still VERY itchy. 😞 After running the preset and remove of nanobacteria’s, woke up later that night itching and scratching EXACTLY like I do when out in public and have been shed/transmitted upon! And yet I hadn’t been out house for like 4 days. Then the confirmation it is nanobacteria. I ran a customer program I had made months ago that also had a Morgellons program in it. It was a short one (there are over a dozen Morgellons programs in the generator) and was a little reluctant to run it. But I did. And sure enough, I woke up scratching and itching. Thankfully the rashes weren’t as bad as it was a short program. 15 minutes I think. But this tells me 1, I am allergic to these nanobacteria’s, and 2, this is what people are shedding/transmitting to others via vaccines and injectable medications now. I’ve easily lost 5 layers of skin on my lower legs, tops of my feet and lower arms. And I’ve had up to 80% of my body covered in rashes as of late. It’s been a nightmare that has completely changed my life for the worse 😞

We are going to see a lot more illnesses in people over the years due to these bacteria’s.

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I am so sorry. Do you feel like things are getting worse with respect to the shedding or has stayed about the same?

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It’s definitely gotten worse. It picked up about 4 months ago.

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That mirrors my observations.

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You need to take Nattozimes. I once had problems with the shedding. I started Nattozimes two years ago and now no shedding bothers me. I also take vitamin D and zinc.

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Thanks, but I’m allergic to soy

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A Centers for Disease Control report has linked 84 percent of the recent cases of measles in Chicago to illegal aliens from Venezuela.

The other 16 percent of cases are linked to people traveling from Peru and Chile.

New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one-year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines.

The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said.

DAILY MAIL https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13426663/chicago-measles-outbreak-venezuela-immigrants-cdc-report.html

The report cites overcrowding at the center for the rampant spread, with 500 people said to be crammed into a single room.


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Didn't we warn them about this happening, measles is one thing, TB is quite another.

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They shouldn't be here anyway. Don't care what happens to them when they illegally come across the border. But now they are endangering our health. Should be mandatory vaccinations - all childhood vaccines and COVID - for all adults and children coming across the border. If they don't like it, they can turn around and go back to where they came from.

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Agree. And if you are sick, no entrance. It was that way when my grands and family legally came from Italy. And a job, with a sponsor.

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The four horsemen already have their noses through the gate

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Trump has very little time to get ahead of this! Block head or bought and paid for?

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Epstein Blackmailed cia puppet and wef globalist

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