
"Legitimate, stable governments do not need to quash dissent, censor speech, or imprison political enemies. Failing systems do. And the more they do so, the more vulnerable they reveal themselves to be."

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When you come to the conclusion that all three branches of the federal government have been corrupted and politicized it is difficult to understand how it can be reversed, and that anyone who tries to reverse it will be marginalized, and ineffective. That is what they tried doing in Trump’s first term. There are so many bad actors, feeding off the federal trough. It is difficult to believe we can stop it.

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We can try!

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And Trump is a part of “IT”.

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Jun 30Liked by Edwin

Very well said.

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It runs deep. How we remove it will be brutal.

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Well, maybe we have a chance at reforming our government, or maybe not!

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Can you believe that pathetic man raised $27 million after that terrible performance? His wife should be charged with Elder abuse. Trump only $8M. But he's raised over $51 M after the fake trial. Set to raise $2 billion. Most of my news says we need another candidate besides Biden—even the Times. No one wants Kamel-toes.

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Except for the “Deep State” and all the illegals, the election is over, over!

The Democrats have pulled a fast one over on us, like we didn’t know it, and now have to pay.

But they won’t, the “Deep State” is the US Government, lock, stock, and barrel.

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Seriously???? You believe this crap? 😂🤣😂🤣 It’s ALL the same machine!

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Jul 1Liked by Edwin

I would still like to know who that guy is they call ‘Biden’..the first time I saw him I was sure that was not the ‘real’ Biden..does not even look like him! Where is the real Biden? How did they pull that switch off?? Pray for US! 🙏🏽

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The Intelligence Community plays real 'games' and we may never know!

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Jul 2Liked by Edwin

True..but have you ever looked at a large photo of ‘real’ Biden from his VP days? Compare it with this ‘guy’ it is not him..How did they manage to fool so many ppl? I can’t comprehend it?

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For sure. If the conspiracy theorists had been listened to in 1963, we would be in this mess.

2001 was another time we could have listened and prevented how many deaths?

But we let the criminals continue right under our noses until now we have a full-blown cancer to deal with and it’s going to either take massive doses of chemo—or we can listen to the conspiracy theorists and start taking a milder form of a cure—ivermectin to rid ourselves of these parasites.

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The President's statement about needing F-15's might be intended for his base. A large group of the “elites” have abandoned America in search of greater wealth, sending jobs overseas, bringing in replacement workers from third world countries and creating financial disaster in the heartland. (They were shocked when Trump was elected, the only candidate willing to be on the side of the majority of Americans.) They may well be frightened of the great body of Americans so affected, and actually be fearful of the potential consequences. Telling them that there is nothing to worry about, the rubes don't have F-15s, is a way of showing that they will be protected from their action's consequences.

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Like I always say, the pilot has got to get out of that plane sooner or later to take a shit. Then we've got him! They might want to consider that fact when deciding to go against the US citizens.

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Thank you, Sharon, for the restack, and reading. It is appreciated greatly.

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"If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

First they/them* came for Jan6ers, Navarro, Jones, now Bannon, next Trump ??? .....

Can anyone See the Dots??? You are one ....... eventually.

Our Challenge, We/Me/You is to heed these words and be pre-pared to Not only Survive but Restore Our Republic, which btw is "Something" that has never occurred in all of recorded history. Now, that is a "Game" Worthy of Our Lives, Fortunes, & Sacred Honor.


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Edwin , look at the picture of Biden .. where is his chin dimple ?

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It’s not him!

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What a psyops

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I ran into something new when I picked up a Half/Half, rSBT was on the bottle. A twice-a-month to dairy cows injection. Needless to say, it went back into the cooler. GMO and Lord knows what it causes. I don't like Holestin milk, it's bitter, and harder to digest.

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Impressive! But what about the families living on the tattered edge of affordability, the ones who can’t afford the expensive labs and such. The ones (such as single mothers) that can’t even afford a single child, but are struggling to raise one anyway.

We need a program for them!

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Jun 30Liked by Edwin

These evil Leftofascist Communist Demorrhoids are thumbing their noses at all of us: “fuck you, America!!!” Get it??? America?!? Time to wake the fuck up!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬💥💥💥💥💥✊✊✊✊✊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥💥💥💥 https://youtu.be/BrcOKJjg4Xo?si=y5lJJ4se4bznWtRI

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Unfortunately, I don’t subscribe to Epoch.

But, if it means reversal of autism is possible, I believe it, but only if you remove the cause. 100% recovery may be possible, but unlikely.

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You can have my subscription! I’m unsubscribing.

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Jun 30Liked by Edwin

Like I said back in 2020, they installed a corrupt geriatric goofball that would fall in line to do their bidding and a useless salad-tossing mouth-breather as an example of how (un)successful their DIE agenda could be only as temporary placeholder puppets with the intention of replacing them with their new version of Hillary to cement their places in power and finish the job of destroying our once great nation.

They manipulated the election voter laws during the covid scamdemic so they could print up pallets of fake voter ballots and inflate their numbers during the 2020 election going as far as including dead people. This time around, their self-absorbed war hawks have been poking multiple bears trying to pull us into a world war so that they can pull a zelensky and suspend the elections, allowing them to stay in power while they finalize their game plan to steal the next election and stay in power forever.

What do YOU predict our future holds?

I see the above. And I see the real possibility of then rounding up conservatives, Christians, patriots, gun owners, election deniers, and anyone who speaks up against them and locking them up in their new concentration, er, i mean re-education camps. And who knows? Maybe they'll learn their lessons and fall in line worshipping their new overlords and be reintroduced back into their version of society... or maybe they won't bend the knee and somehow 'get sick' and pass away within the confines of their camps... the overlords won't care. They've got tons of plastic coffins just piled up, ready to be pulled into use.

Pray for what's left of our once great nation, keep your head on a swivel and keep your powder dry.

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muttBiden is just another one...


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Morons don't get anything, but that which is handed to them on a platter.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

His brain failure was obvious before the2020 election and yet here we are. Then there’s a debate where they set the zombie up to take a fall. The media (with the globalists orders) claim they are shocked by the zombie in chief’s mental decline. They are not panicking, they are following orders. These evil bastards are always 10 steps ahead of us. This is part their plan!

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Part of their plan, or part of the Communists plan. Or are they one in the same?

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6 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

My opinion is that there be many organizations involved with different titles but they all report to the same global marxists. I believe they are one and the same. These evil bastards are not blindsided by anything. They’ve been planning this for decades. Again, strictly my opinion.

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100% correct!

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Are Destroying Themselves

And One Another.

Why ?

Because They Are Each

Their Own Answer.

Living In A World

Where The Right Questions

Are Never Asked.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack, reading, and commenting. While we have differences of opinion, your input is both valued and needed. Thank you.

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