
How the UK Government Can Save Money

Dr Vernon Coleman

Keir `Free Suits’ Starmer and his bunch of far lefties claim that the only way to solve the UK’s financial problem is to freeze old aged pensioners to death.


Here are some simple, quick and painless ways for Starmer and Co to balance the nation’s books.

Close the House of Lords

Cut MP’s salaries in half.

Cancel MP’s expenses and pensions.

Stop giving MPs subsidised food and booze in the House of Commons

Sack 90% of civil servants

Then sack 90% of the civil servants who are left

Close all Quangos

Stop sending bombs and bullets to Ukraine and Israel

Sell 10 Downing Street and put the Prime Minister in a terraced house in Reading

Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2024

NB To find out what sort of future the Labour Party is planning please read `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’ by Jack King. It will shock you. But you have to know what they’re planning.

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Elusive1, thank you for the restack.

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Find an elder and do what you can to help them out.

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What we can do, that is all anyone can ask.

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These characters are evil and nasty. It's awful how they are taking active steps to kill off the elderly!

Thank you Edwin for Dr. Coleman

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Perhaps, maybe, some of it can be prevented, somehow.

You are very welcome.

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Exclusive: Police Audio Confirms Haitian Goose Hunting In Ohio (Links) to audio call, Police report.


A caller reported to police a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio in exclusive audio.


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Once again, “fact checkers” needed. Real ones.

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More stories have shown up, Springfield, OH is fed up. Americans can't get into any local offices like SS, DL, VA, or doctors/hospitals. More physical attack stories, school bus crash that injured several and killed one 11 year old. Petty crimes. Hati is a hot bed of unrest, and to many armed bad people. Doesn't mean we have to take 30K in,

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We don’t have to take 1 in!

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Sep 11Liked by Edwin


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Canada beats Britain by a mile in OAP:

718.33 CAD

403.46 British pounds

Even if one "defers" Old Age Pension until age 75? Max is under 444 pounds.

And OAP is taxed...

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Totally agree, after they bleed them dry of money.

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What's the British Government going to do when only the illegal immigrants that don't work and live off of welfare are the only people who live in Britain? What's going to happen when there's nobody else left to tax?

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What’s going to happen when there’s no money to feed the immigrants ?

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That’ll never happen till the end!

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And they preach entitlement (free money 💰 for all) https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1833198800917107137.html

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Starmer is a (I hate to say it) bastard of the first degree if this plays out as described.

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government efficiences™️©️®️

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This didn't start yesterday. To my best knowledge, it was already the case in the late 1960s...

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It was hard then, downright impossible now with Net Zero and such.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Cocotte, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks Barbara, Lily Z, for the restacks.

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Carole, thanks for the restack.

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