They are a minimal threat, compared to what is out there. I‘m sure this will just piss them off more, but surely they realize they are just the KGB’s “wild dog off the chain” and I think the way to deal with them was shown by the US Army general who captured 5 of them, had them dig 5 graves, then let one go to warn his friends not to fuck with the Allied convoys.
I find it helpful to fill my MK262 “hollow points” (not true hollow points) with bacon grease when called for.
There are a few good images here (e.g. on beauty/diet/education and on "white privilege").
Still, caution is strongly advised.
DOGE is only a lure to make sure people will accept the "Fed-free" CBDC and the total tracking/control system that the Trump administration has also announced.
The globalists are not "capitalists" anymore; they don't even live among the cockroaches they despise so much. Probably haven't for over 20 years.
The thing about "not my war" with the flag of Israel....believe me, I get it.
But like it or not, and choose to believe it or not, we ARE the tip of the spear against Jihad.....coming to a neighborhood near you.
It's not just the Moozlems we need to be concerned about.
They are a minimal threat, compared to what is out there. I‘m sure this will just piss them off more, but surely they realize they are just the KGB’s “wild dog off the chain” and I think the way to deal with them was shown by the US Army general who captured 5 of them, had them dig 5 graves, then let one go to warn his friends not to fuck with the Allied convoys.
I find it helpful to fill my MK262 “hollow points” (not true hollow points) with bacon grease when called for.
"They are a minimal threat,...."
Perhaps in your mind, but they are the undeniably the most immediate.....imv
Federal Agency for Financial Oversight.
Good ones Edwin 😉
Thanks for the restack, Brandon.
That last crash had shreded retread tires. Tire blows out just before American Airlines flight set to takeoff
Thank you for the laughter, Edwin, always welcome and helpful during these trying times.
There are a few good images here (e.g. on beauty/diet/education and on "white privilege").
Still, caution is strongly advised.
DOGE is only a lure to make sure people will accept the "Fed-free" CBDC and the total tracking/control system that the Trump administration has also announced.
The globalists are not "capitalists" anymore; they don't even live among the cockroaches they despise so much. Probably haven't for over 20 years.
Advocating for violence can only hurt people...
You sure about that?
“Wait & see, wait & see.” says Neil Oliver.
I will wait, then we will see.
I haven’t advocated for violence, yet, but I don’t give up my right to revoke the government’s monopoly on it!
Thanks for the restack, Amy.