
Elusive1, appreciate the restack, and the comment, it's all good.

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Thanks for the restack, Barbara.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

I am afraid animals are more funny and lovable than some folks

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It's cute watching new litters of kittens, dogs, and new foals.

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

If one stops long enough to really watch animals interact, you can enjoy some of the most clever antics you will ever see😉

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

I've found that to be very true. Some of my best friends are animals.

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I've had a few pigs and now have chickens and cows that when they look at me I see the love! People are always amazed when a couple of my chickens peck my toes until I pick them up! 🤣 On the same note I have a couple that act like I've beat them before! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️😆 I love that all my animals know their gender and act accordingly! lol

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Edwin

As has happened a few times before, a young crow fledged from the nest into my front yard. It's parents squacking had drawn my attention. I first saw it muffined up like a small black sitting duck (!) only somewhat hidden by plants. I started giving it water (it was very thirsty at that point) and feeding it (sardines and eventually walnuts were all I could think of). For a few days it hung around, (it liked the arrangement of being fed, who wouldn't?) so I ended up just putting water out for all the crows for a few days. Eventually it got the idea, and didn't get eaten by cats or raccoons or hawks. Days later I was walking down the driveway, and 2 adult crows were on a line that hangs low to the house. They followed me down the driveway to a tree, and I stood there for a moment. One of the crows snipped not just one but two leaves which it very purposefully let flutter down just in front of me. My thank you card, I am quite sure. I fed his or her baby. It brought tears to my eyes, still does.

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

Thank you for the wonderful story! Crows are truly amazing and extremely intelligent. Having fed them for years I can tell you they love sunflower seeds and corn. I like to give them cornbread, they LOVE that. I once lived in the mountains and fed all the numerous, varied birds there. It all went very peacefully until one day starlings showed up - they are the nastiest little creatures and they ate up all the food while chasing away all the other birds except crows which were much, much larger than the starlings. For years, all the birds had gotten along fine and if feeders were crowded they patiently waited their turn. But when the starlings started bullying and chasing away my favorite woodpecker pair (who used to sing to me) that was it for me. I made cornbread for the crows and they ate it all up within about 15 minutes. Then I asked the crows, "since I've fed you, could you please chase away starlings so they would never return. At the same time, Mr. Woodpecker saw his wife being bullied and wasn't happy about it. He took his beak and pounded it into the wooden railing for all he was worth and then glared at the starlings as if to say "this is what you'll get if you don't leave my wife alone". Starlings flew away right as crows took on the challenge and further added to the fighting against starlings. They chased away all the starlings who never did return. I was astonished and very grateful. Ever since then, I always feed the crows, in memory of their efforts to keep the other birds safe and unharmed. I am not making any of this up, my husband saw the whole thing.

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I have no doubt. I know starlings are more recent imports, (in terms of centuries, vs eons) and nothing about them seems to mesh all that well with others. Maybe they are all inbred because they came from such a small stock originally, in the US. Thank you so much for your story, very much, from Oregon.

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Maybe the starlings are Democrats. LOL

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

Yes. I guess this shows us most sentient creatures have a sense of humor. What does this tell us about leftists?

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Sep 25Liked by Edwin

That they aren't sentient - IMHO.

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Thanks Edwin! We could all use a break from the serious.

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