
One 'patient' brought it all out, "Little Jimmy can't function without his Ritalin but can play 16 hours straight video games with Doritos and Coke for an energy supply."

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Ritalin was being prescribe in the 1950's and marketed by Ciba. A young man working as a clerk in a drugstore as well as I, told me he was taking his father's Ritalin, because he wanted to be just like him. Never understood at that time how detrimental it is to children growing up. I was reminded when I meet him as an adult working in a clothing store. His features were grotesque because the Ritalin had overstimulated his long bones in his growth stage. Fast forward to the early 1990's and Ciba's marketing push was so successful to have physicians prescribe Ritalin for children's behavior issues rather than a spanking, they under estimated the production estimates and by December of each year they were out of stock! As they got negative publicity they changed their name from Ciba to Novartis.

My book review on SSRI's follows: Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher is an exploration into the dark side of mental illness. Gwen Olsen is brave enough and angry enough to welcome the reader into her world of emotional trauma caused by drugs, alcohol and genetics.

Gwen weaves her stories of personal tragedies and the use of prescription mind controlling drugs that she sold into a shocking review of how drugs are used not to cure, but to control those with emotional and social behavior problems without any real concern about the potential deadly side effects. Drug marketing trumps good medicine.

The impetus for an insider to reject a financially rewarding career in pharmaceutical sales is the fiery self-immolation death of her bright, beautiful and beloved niece Megan.

Her extensive research into deadly events caused by mind altering prescription drugs brings into reality the gravity of the medical decision to prescribe a treatment routine that doesn't explore ways to reverse the medical condition.

The following quote by Dr. Candace Perth, the co-discover of the SSRI pathway which was the impetus for the creation of the multi-billion dollar SSRI class of mind altering drugs is a chilling statement.

"I am alarmed at the monster that John Hopkins neuroscientist, Solomon Snyder and I created when we discovered the simple binding assay for drug receptors 25 years ago."

Anyone who is or has a loved one taking these prescription drugs will be compelled to read Gwen's Saga and detailed investigation into this twilight world of drugging.

Only by knowing the truth can we change course and improve the quality of healthcare in the United States. Gwen helps us focus on a critical area of needed improvement and pleads for us to save our children from drugging.

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Once again you, Thomas, prove your worth to SubStack.


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Thanks for the endorsement! I just wish the DC politicians including my Senator Durbin who is a graduate of the Aspen Institute would think for himself and not his benefactors!

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Now you and I both know that will never happen.

The Uniparty is why.

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Your reply was so spot on that I shared. I hope you don’t mind.

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Never a problem, for Thomas or myself.

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I’d like to hear a bit of truth regarding autism.

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Wouldn’t we all!

Except for Big Pharma & their shills.

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I consider WW3 to already have happened, as so many of the overt wars simply became covert wars via pharmacy and various psychiatric therapies that were and are only meant to harm, once you peel back the white coats.

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And more than half or pedophiles on my add.

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Dr. dr. Vernon Colman, that I respect you stood your ground I’ve been following you from five or six in a chair. I know . That’s not long but somehow I crossed your past. No coincidence there. but in the United States when this country was founded it was a privilege Serve as a government official they did not get paid it was on a privilege so much for that idea, another thing Canada sign the law for elderly to be assisted to death as you had mentioned half these politicians are over 70 80 years old why aren’t they dead .nazi Klaus Schwab( snob .) is 80 years old why isn’t he dead they all lived long enough George he’s ancient. Why aren’t these people dead?i’m at the point I am tired of talking about this ridiculous bullshit we need action we need to rip these politicians out of office immediately. There is no such thing as a president of the United States with the stupid freaking executive orders this system needs to go down I have a few ideas need more help I appreciate you keep doing what you’re doing and hope the wife is doing well

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Thank you for that, Ray, appreciate it all the more.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by Edwin

Excellent, lots of new issues to digest. Hobbible drug. Needs removal from the market, before they can decide to use it for more conditions.

For Dr Vernon.

Doctor in tears at Covid inquiry says what NHS staff saw was ‘indescribable’


They should have screwed up the courage to tell the truth.

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Mao, said it all!

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Thanks Abigail, for the restack and everything.

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Keith Coolidge, thanks for the restack,

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Viesha, thanks for the restack. It is appreciated.

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Gregg, thanks for the "restack."

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Kenn, RANGER71, thanks for the restacks.

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Sandy Hook Shootings—Call to Release Lanza's psychiatric drug history


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