
The current administration and their backers have murdered our family, friends, associates, and fellow citizens, they didn't even let us give them a proper burial, forced them to die alone, murdered without even their own knowledge, and even cremated their remains without any consent. EVIL is exactly the word that comes to mind.

The other day I was coming home from taking my granddaughter to high school. Often I come back the slower but shorter way because it saves on gas. Had passed a fire at one of the houses a few days before, didn't hear anything about it, it sort of shook me up, but this day, on the way home there were several cars parked around the area and a group of people gathering out front.

I stopped, somehow I felt connected to it, and I had thought that perhaps someone has lost their life a few nights earlier.

Literally as soon as I stepped out the car I heard "Doctor Edwin, welcome." It was old Reverend Waddell, he used to come regularly into the local CVS to pick up prescriptions for members of his congregation and sometimes their kids or grands. Retired now, near 80, he was still a quite active member of the community. He greeted me, and I told him that I feared the worst, after witnessing all the fire trucks a few nights before, and then this gathering today.

"No my son, we did not lose anyone the other night, but we did lose the house, and that is why we are here this morning. You see, a little over two years ago, we lost one of our good friends right here, you may remember him you used to fill prescriptions for him through TRICCARE."

I did remember him, he usually didn't come to the pharmacy, as he had lost all of one and most of the other leg at the Chosin Reservoir, Korea. But when he did, I always welcomed him, shook his hand and thanked him for his service. On one of his rare trips to the pharmacy, he brought his Purple Heart and Bronze Star just to show me, and I made a big deal of it and our District Manager, who was visiting the store that day gave him a $50 CVS gift card.

The Father continued by telling me it was Covid-19 that took our hero. "Since the house now has to be demolished, and he didn't get a proper home service due to the lockdowns, his daughter wanted to have a short service here in his memory. We would be honored if you would join us."

"It would be one of my greatest honors to do sir, Reverend Waddell." I replied.

After the brief ceremony in the front yard his daughter, who remarked she liked my now long hair, gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug and said "Dad, and me are so fortunate you came by, thank you so very much."

I told her it was he we should thank and direct our gratitude to God, "Where do we get such men?" Everyone there, a decidedly elderly and mixed race crowd all agreed with smiles and nods.

I told the daughter I might use the story and she only requested I use no names, that after all these years with no recognition he certainly wouldn't want it now, that he got at the CVS that day with a $50 gift card was more than "sufficient."

You know, it might have been for him, but it isn't enough for the rest of us.

But I will honor his and her wishes.

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I'm sorry for your loss, and glad you arrived right on time to be part of the memorial.

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Great timely post, thanks. Makes it clear after these past years of serial abuse by sociopaths that either we stand or it is over. Those who actually believe the two political parties in the USA are going to solve this are delusional. Many wait for the elections ignoring the fact that our digital election network has been infiltrated by corrupted software. The people who are intentionally undermining you are not going to give up power willingly.

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Well they say no plan survives "first contact."

I really like Andrew's articles, I like his way with the mental flow.

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Great post. I certainly agree this is a time of Evil, and I mean that in a broad way... GIANT EVIL. Pervasive and consuming...

Two little comments-- The Patriot Act should never have been passed. And it's not China we should worry about, in my opinion. BILL fucking GATES owns 70% of our farmland, and we all know what his idea of "farming" is-- Three capital letters spells it all: GMO.

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You are right, but given we had the power, we should have never let another nation develop the capability to destroy us, period, full stop!

A basic failure of what government is supposed to do.

It shows Diana West was correct, we were already conquered.

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We conquered ourselves, being assholes and stomping other countries for their resources, etc... Being part of the Not Really Dead British Empire is not good in the long run because it creates enemies... But you know, we could have said to Russia and China long, long ago (we used to be friends with both countries until the Psychopath Brigade took over the US, which seems to have always been there, lurking, ebbing and flowing, but SUPER took over after WWII and took out JFK) , we could have said Let's All Dump The Nukes, but noooooo.

So really one could argue that there is ALWAYS someone with the capability to destroy us, especially we ourselves. I blame the Elitist Oligarchic Venetian Long Time Empirical Bad Guys that are only now having the curtain pulled back on them... The "Black Nobility," the original Romans...

Anyway, wish me luck I might have a job by tomorrow...

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Good luck, my friend.

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Ta, Edwin. ^_^ I'm arf to an interview...

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You ask, "What would have happened if President Trump gave a speech calling out Antifa, BLM, and Deep State employees as a danger to democracy and "enemies of the state"?" You're comparing Maga Republicans and Trump supporters to Antifa, BLM, and the Deep State? This is beyond stupid. If Trump did say that, he would have been correct.

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Every single question could easily amount to an article.

Here is one more question:

How come people are aware of all this evil, yet it keeps going on, undisturbed?

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I don't know, Ray.

Maybe it is not exactly what we think it is?

On the radio show, the other morning, Glenn Beck talked about how a time is coming when it will be hard to tell Evil from Love, the two will almost seem to "switch places."

Any thoughts on that yet another "great deception?"

I've always said our Savior isn't coming back to "turn the other cheek."

And it won't be a PSYOP, it will be REAL, in TECHNICOLOR!

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Most of the time, information comes in by the time nothing can be done about the evil.

When someone posts them on time, hardly anyone believes or even understands it.

Whenever I turned the other cheek, people used and despised me, because they thought I was weak, stupid, or both. I surely won't buy into being dragged to the camps in order to be "fed and saved."

Apparently, my idea of WW3 coming up on TV is becoming popular. False flag EMPs, nuclear explosions, and an "alien attack" can be expected. Rationing and famine are approaching with the threat of martial law and Chinese "peacekeepers" with the option of mass poisonings to emulate a "real" "pandemic." It looks like total turmoil with BLM and Antifa criminals is planned instead, or shortly after the elections.

I wouldn't bet on "love." Most people have been successfully isolated and trust must precede love, but once people go hungry and cold, there won't be much "love" left and those, who offer some will be taken care of by the rest...

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Marx’s Apotheosis of the Political

In The Problem of Atheism, Del Noce argues several key themes. Two are worth noting here. First, the seemingly useful and “scientific” elements of Marxist thought—its economic and cultural tools of analysis—can’t be separated from a radical atheism that “is the key to Marx’s whole work.” Marx offers a new anthropology that completely rejects the Platonic-Christian understanding of man and society. As Del Noce writes:

In Platonic-Christian thought, man is in a necessary relationship with God and in a contingent relationship with society. . . . For Marxist atheism, the relationship with society becomes necessary and constitutive. Therefore in Marxism the Christian subordination of politics to ethics must be replaced by the absorption of ethics into politics.

This has consequences. For the Christian, every man has a vertical obligation of worship, and also a horizontal responsibility for his fellow human beings. But finally each person is a unique individual bearing the imago Dei, from which his or her dignity proceeds. For Marx there is no such thing as man outside “social man”—man in his social relations determined not by God or natural law, but by the economic conditions of history. Truth and the legitimate use of power take on a flexibility shaped by political goals.

As Del Noce notes, “Marx reconciles morality and politics precisely because he negates [Christian] anthropology (think Lenin’s famous sentence: morality is what advances the proletarian revolution). . . .” For Marx, philosophy is no longer a search to understand the world. Instead, it becomes the tool to change it; to bend the world to human will. The resulting bias toward activism and acquiring power creates a curious form of atheist religion, i.e., “the elevation of politics to religion, which is a radically new phenomenon in history.” And this “peculiar, inverted theocratic form engendered by [Marxist-influenced] activism” helps to explain an inevitable drift toward totalitarian intolerance.

Put simply, in rigorous Marxist thought, the ends do justify the means. Christian progressives who try to purify Marxism of its atheist elements or who seek common ground with Marxist-inspired social movements delude themselves. In effect, they build for their followers a halfway house to unbelief.

For Marx, philosophy is no longer a search to understand the world. Instead, it becomes the tool to change it; to bend the world to human will. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2021/12/79316/

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