Good summary. I think we have a psychiatrist problem more than just a prescription drug problem, though we have that too. Many of those children are genuinely messed up emotionally and need help and guidance, but right now they don’t get that from the psychiatrists, even though they are supposedly trying to heal them.

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Correct. The Bar to be a shrink is clearly set incredibly low. I have had conversations with some of these obscenely educated psychiatrists and psychologists and they are in my opinion quite shallow and short sighted. There is NO Magic pill. #MakelInsaneAsylumsFullAgain

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I was a therapist for many years which is how I learned the above information. I don't agree that therapists as a whole are shallow and short-sighted, I've known many that were quite helpful to their clients. Just my 2 cents.

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Some can be tremendously helpful!

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Thank you, Edwin, I do think most therapists try to be helpful. Some, sadly, are too narcissistic to help much but that's true of any profession I think.

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You’ve got better odds with the therapist than with the Doctor(s), the therapist has incentive to get it right, the Doctor doesn’t, period.

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Sadly, I think you are right. Too many drs wanting to be drs just to make $; therapists don't really make huge money.

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Traditionally, psychiatrists deal with prescribing meds for people who have serious mental health illness such as schizophrenia. Therapy/counseling was what therapists/counselors did but don't prescribe drugs. My question is why are psychiatrists still prescribing anti-depressants for those under age 21/22 y.o. when we've known for 30 yrs at least that they really make young people crazy and either suicidal or homocidal.

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The Media Mafia will not touch this topic for the love of MONEY! About 6 Billion dollars annually are spent by Big Pharma via the Mass Media to convince you the newest and latest Rx drug is GOOD for you. Their loss of revenue would deep six their profitability. New Zealand is the only other country in the world that is stupid enough to allow Big Pharma to push their drugs via consumer advertising. This may change since New Zealand is waking up to the fact that the Covid Con was not what they were told it was. The Covid Con just enhanced their position to be in charge of what Americans should or should not know. Same is true in manipulating the Presidential debate by the Muir and co-host. Gas lighting of Americans continues to this day on so many topics that are being spun. Midwest Doc does a deep dive into the subject of school shooters and can be accessed via my substack. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/school-shooters

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i think the public education system is designed way too much for a one-size-fits-all “learning/teaching” model, as opposed to figuring out kids learning styles and talents/interests. goes deeper into society though, imo, schools are for watching kids during the day while parents work.

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No individuality at all, even when there is some level of education going on. My granddaughters stories are amazing, the students frequently teach the teachers.

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It has been that way for quite a while. When I went to College for tool & Die theory in the late 1980s, the teacher didn't understand Pythagoras theorum. When I corrected him in front of the class he gave me a 92 in my first quarter of his math class when I earned more so I got a B that quarter. He only taught one year as a result.

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Through my career as a preschool teacher- I saw a trend to medicate younger and younger children (usually boys). I always argued that young children were supposed to be active and have a short attention span- but the pharmaceutical companies stepped in with a “solution” to the problems parents perceived with their kids. By the time I left- it was becoming common to put three year olds on ADHD medication with the understanding that they would be medicated for life. It is not a surprise that outcomes would be poor for children taking brain altering drugs during brain development.

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Maybe. I’m 57. Bupropion kind of works for me. Helps. I think.

All I know is, it’s a real issue for me. I can’t say yay or nay for anyone else.

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I blame the parents.

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Some of the parents are influence by money, even $750 a month.

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Anti-depressants should never be prescribed for young people under age 21/22, we've known for 30 yrs it makes them homicidal/suicidal. I was a therapist for many yrs. Yes, buproprion works for those over age 21/22 but shouldn't be for anyone under that age.

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Boys need lots of running around.

Schools are not allowing boys to vent that energy.

Schools and education are catering for girls who font require as much venting of their energy.

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I’m old enough to remember hearing quite often, “he’ll grow out of it” 🤨. Big Pharma is insidious.

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How old are you?

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Yep, you are my age, but that alone isn't what's made us so smart, I just got tired of looking at things as they were, when I was about 30 and divorced and investing heavily into motorcycles.

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1968 changed my outlook on everything. RFK assassination. I was 12.

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I was only 7 when JFK was assassinated. I can still replay most of that day in my head. I couldn’t comprehend it all. In 1968 I could

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Why do Navy Seals use Adderall? Get the picture?

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Well, Seals may need it occasionally, just like fighter pilots may need it, occasionally.

But not all the time.

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'Making peoples' lives hell': When he couldn't pay for cancer treatment, the hospital sued

In North Carolina, a state hard hit by the national crisis of medical debt, Terry Belk has spent 20 years struggling to get free of "this ... anvil I'm dragging around."


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Out of 8 children, one of our 7 sons was put on meds for ADHD and one day he moved out on advice from others who didn't have any business giving him advice and lived as a homeless person for 3 years beside a local river, so there's that. He finally moved to a home then to another which he finally set roots at 31 years of age.

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Chronically Sick Kids Need Better Mental Health Support — But What About Preventing Chronic Disease in the First Place?


Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports


Chronically Sick Kids Need Better Mental Health Support — But What About Preventing Chronic Disease in the First Place?


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Suicide Rate Higher for People With Autism + More


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We've known for at least 30 yrs that anti-depressants should NEVER be given to anyone under age 21 or 22 at minimum; we've known that they make the young people homocidal/suicidal. I first heard this from a psychiatrist in 1993. I was a therapist for many years and this was well-known in my field. Yet, they are still being given to young people. WHY??

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We had recess twice a day, lunch was an hour, after you ate you went out side in good weather to play. Till you hit HS. Then it went away, study hall helped you find a quite time to read, or do homework. Being able to take alternative classes was great, Vo-Tech schools should be mandatory. I learned to sew, cook, and do first aid, wire a lamp in what was called Home Ec. Sure helped after I left home.

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John Steiglitz, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks MnmMom, for the restack.

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Thanks Kenn, for the restack.

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