Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Great interview with Neil, although Tucker's guffaw annoyed me. So true, that this was "the great sorting". Just like Hitler, who couldn't do it alone with his goons and needed the German people to go along with his democide, these globalists need not only compromised, corrupt government "leaders" to help them, but also the majority of people who are easily decieved and fearful.

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True, they can't do it all on their own, they must have helpers that they presently pay with our tax receipts, and people who are not on the 'take' too boot.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Edwin

One of the main reasons why the SRF & Billionaires are afraid is the simple FACT that They still need to Live on this Planet!

And since They are certain that we - herds of modern moron slaves around the Planet - are destroying Their Planet, FEAR rises...

They still can't Live outside the Planet Atmosphere... For sure none of them will Live on Mars! Much less can They achieve artificial methods to expand Biological Life... No amount of paid organs for transplants works!

So indeed They are afraid and hence OPERATION COVIDIUS.


What even They were counting was with the HUGE SUCCESS that this OPERATION achieved.



P.S.: For those that want to save the vid from rumble:


Then "save as..." and that's it!

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For those fellow modern moron slaves that aren't STILL aware of the Civilization we slave on...



Simple depiction of Reality... If this is not enough just carry on slaving.

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Stunningly brilliant conversation, covers so much in such a deep way. Surprised that Google pulled it though, because there is so much there that it is difficult to isolate one idea from another. Left wondering what specifically triggered the pull given that Neil Oliver has said most of the before and so has Tucker Carlson. Just checked - it is still there on Google in Australia. Has it been pulled elsewhere?

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Unknown at this time.

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I just love him.

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Jun 23Liked by Edwin

Always a Pleasure to read and See the Truth said by Honest Patriots like Yourself.

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Understood. That’s how the machine works extracting value from what lies on the Earth and beneath it. As we live on the crust of its organic bloom.

At present, it takes the human spirit to connect and maintain its parts and its mechanisms for distribution to each of those who operate it.

And that’s their big challenge, because it’s exactly the human spirit that can decide how, when, and if to connect those parts, and in what order.

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Ahmed, Kenn, thanks for the restacks, and reading. Perhaps what isn't said over the air is most important, perhaps.

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CoffeCuup_7, Amy Harlib, thanks for reading and thanks for the restack. Remember, "Don't be Evil."

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Google, remember "Don't be evil." censors Neil's interview, disgusting.

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Thanks, Amy, for the restack, and reading.

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I also gained a “Great Sorting”.

It's nonetheless a sad realization that in the end it's very easy to... https://voza0db.substack.com/p/morons-just-dont-get-it-b1d

Since I'm one of the very few MMS/3i's around the Planet that didn't gave permission to be PCR kitted and to be inoculated with the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab, the realization of such Loneliness provides Clarity of where I stand among the Herd.

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