1. Here’s an odd thing. For well over four years I have been saying that the covid-19 vaccine is toxic and doesn’t do what it was supposed to do. But no one has said `You can’t say that or you’ll be arrested or we’ll sue you’. If you say a washing machine is dangerous and doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, the manufacturer will sue you unless you’re right. So, presumably, the drug companies, the medical establishment and the world’s governments all agree that the covid-19 vaccines are toxic and don’t do what they are supposed to do.
2. The overthrow of the Syrian Government has been excused by the fact that 40 bodies were found in the mortuary of a hospital in Damascus. `Free Suits’ Starmer must be hoping that no one looks at the contents of the mortuaries of London hospitals. Incidentally, the effect of the overthrow (and the subsequent invasion of Syrian territory by Israel) may be judged from the fact that stock markets fell and the price of gold (a safe haven) rose noticeably. The world is now a much more dangerous place than it was a week ago. And it was a pretty dangerous place a week ago. The one country which has benefitted from the destabilisation of the Middle East is Israel. And I suspect that the Zionists in America won’t be unhappy.
3. The UK is not a place to live or visit if you fear you might ever be ill. The ambulance service is a lottery. Accident and Emergency Departments in hospitals might as well be shut for all the good they do. The average GP works a 23 hour week, refuses to see patients in the flesh and is on strike (though no one has yet noticed). Dentists are as rare as hen’s teeth. And pharmacies are rapidly becoming as uncommon as dentists. Still, it’s not all bad news. British undertakers are busier than ever and have just said a big `thank you’ to the doctors still prescribing the covid-19 vaccine – the world’s most toxic and useless pharmaceutical product.
4. Ed Miliband, an important Labour Party person, apparently wants to make UK’s National Grid carbon-free by 2030. That’ll be easy if we turn off all the heating, all cooking devices, all computers, all mobile phones, all those daft windmill things and all electric cars.
5. Metal caps on bottles (instead of tethered plastic ones) have been welcomed by global warming nutters who believe that metal grows on trees and doesn’t have to be dug out of the ground by huge machines the size of your local town hall.
6. Some online pharmacies say they aren’t allowed to sell medicines to the over 60s. The only conceivable reason for this is to deny medical treatment for the elderly. The elderly are discriminated against in hospitals and by GPs. The plan is obviously to kill off the old or to make their lives so damned miserable that they sign up for the State’s `death by doctor’ programme, which was recently approved by murderous MPs.
7. It is, at long last, recognised that life expectancy is falling. Why it took `them’ so long is a mystery. I’ve been writing about it for over a decade. If you want to know why (and what you can do about it) read my book `How to Live Longer’. Just CLICK HERE to find out how to buy a copy.
8. Why are bishops automatically given seats in the Lords? And why hasn’t `Free Suits’ abolished the place. Oh, silly me, then there would be nowhere to put chums who will enjoy the status, platform and loot that comes with membership of the club.
9. The people who get excited about such things have announced that four out of five people are happy with their smart meters. I’d have kept quiet if I’d been them. An 80% satisfaction rate is appalling – though it’s the sort of approval rating that would raise cheers from most Government departments. I cannot, for example, think of any part of the NHS which would get a better than 30% approval rating.
10. The Labour Party’s taxes on farms will mean that land will eventually be owned by giant companies who will probably cover everything with solar panels which won’t work because there is no longer enough sunshine. Is that really what `Free Suits’ Starmer wants? It’s no wonder that `Free Suits’ is more unpopular than that cookery programme bloke who has upset all the middle class women of a certain age (and who has allegedly claimed it was all down to undiagnosed autism).
11. The Labour Party claims it wants more people to go to work. So why does the Labour Party punish working people with such ferocity?
12. `Oh God, I wish I were dead’ – Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. Never mind, the State Euthanasia Service can help you with that, love.
13. If you’re looking for a thriller to give your red blood cells a bit of a jiggle, read my book `Deadline’. It starts with this bloke in a café in Paris. His wife goes to the loo and doesn’t come back. For more details just CLICK HERE
14. More than 50 developing countries spend more than 10% of their income on servicing debt costs. Over three billion people live in countries which spend more on the interest payments on government debt than on education or health. This will get worse when the loans agreed at the COP29 conference are added to the bills. When the countries can’t pay the interest on their loans the US will help itself to all their natural resources. That’s how it works. If you want to know what is really happening turn off the BBC, abandon newspapers and read `Their Terrifying Plan’. (To find out how to purchase a copy CLICK HERE)
15. A child minder can now earn £55,000 a year. A children’s nanny costs £46,648 a year (but around £6,000 a year more in London). Consulting a GP privately (via the internet) can cost £350 an hour (which works out at a modest £728,000 a year). Hiring a bloke to do rough gardening costs £33 per hour (which works out at £1,324 a week). I suddenly feel very, very poor. I receive the full basic state pension but because of my advanced age it’s a miserly £169.50 a week. And that, despite the lies told in the media, is the pension that 75% of all pensioners receive. It’s why so many poor old souls in their 70s and 80s and probably 90s still have to work if they want to eat more than once a day. The much higher pension (the one usually quoted by politicians and journalists) is only received by recently retired pensioners. They receive £221.10 a week. Why, in the name of everything, do older pensioners receive over £50 a week less just for being older? And why does no one care? I hope you don’t mind too much but I’m beginning to hate this bloody country. It is impossible to live on the pension paid to three quarters of pensioners.
16. The people pulling Biden’s strings seem desperate to start World War III before Trump takes office. If a war is process they can probably have the election annulled. Was Biden allowed to pardon his son as part of a quid pro quo process deal for WWIII? I fear the Democrats will then allow Britain to be bombed because it’s closer, vulnerable and considered disposable. Incidentally, I reckon that Biden et al have done a deal with Ukraine. The USA gives bombs to Ukraine and will eventually receive Ukraine’s natural resources as a quid pro quo. Britain, which has also given bombs to Ukraine, won’t get the natural resources but will be provided with an endless parade of refugees to feed and house.
17. J.M.W. Turner was England’s greatest artist. Every year an art prize is awarded in memory of the Great Man. This year the prize was won by a woman who put a giant doily on top of a Ford motor car. Makes you proud, doesn’t it? I bet dear old Turner never thought of draping a doily over a motor car. (No, they didn’t have cars when he was around. But I bet he didn’t dream of draping a doily over a Hansom cab either.)
18. Some police officers, particularly those investigating sexual offences and child abuse cases are to be allowed to work from home. Why not? Doctors work from home, most civil servants work from home and menopausal hospital nurses work from home. Remember: nothing happens by accident.
19. What is the etiquette when a shop assistant, harried and harassed, says `enjoy the rest of your day’. Do you say `the same to you’ or slink out to a café feeling guilty?
20. I reckon more people die on horses than in any other sport – and that includes climbing, boxing, skiing and all varieties of football. Horse riding of all kinds is a drain on the health service and should be banned.
21. The Labour Party has put up the cost of railcards for pensioners. So old folk who hoped to be able to escape their cold homes by riding around on warm trains won’t be able to do that now. Why does the Labour Party hate old people so much? Is it because we all voted to leave their beloved NAZI inspired EU? Why doesn’t `Free Suits’ just shoot everyone over 65 – except, of course, those who bribe him with a free pair of trousers or a ticket for night at a Taylor Swift tribute band concert. `Free Suits’ has done the impossible – he’s made Boris Johnson look (almost) like a decent bloke and I never thought I’d say that.
22. Everything we don’t do when we are young is something else to regret in those long, sad days, slumped in a plastic chair in a nursing home.
23. I see that Nick Clegg now appears to be No 2 at Facebook. And is no doubt being paid billions for his services. Maybe one day he could explain why I am banned from having a Facebook account (or even accessing the site). I am considered dangerous because I’ve told the truth. Actually, I can see why Clegg might find that unacceptable.
24. The rise in cancer among the young (and, in particular, turbo cancers)and the rise in the incidence of sepsis are almost certainly a result of the insane vaccination programme now out of control – and, in particular, the toxic covid-19 vaccine which I was banned for warning about in 2020. These untested vaccination programmes are helping to destroy immune systems.
25. According to financial experts, every Labour government in history has devalued sterling.
26. An old man who dropped his walking stick was arrested for littering. An old woman who put neatly folded clothes next to a charity collecting bin (the bin was full) was arrested for fly tipping.
27. In the last 25 years the UK stock market has risen by just under 0.5% a year. Sadly, this means that after fees are deducted most people who have private pensions have pensions which are worth less now than they worth in 1999. Civil servants and MPs have inflation proof pensions paid by taxpayers.
28. Under `Free Suits’ Starmer, around 95% of council workers are working from home. This might, just possibly, explain why nothing ever gets done. It’s difficult to mend potholes when you’re sitting on your sofa updating your Facebook page and watching the telly.
29. Journalists don’t ask the questions which need asking because they don’t have the courage to face the answers.
30. The bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com contains scores of great books which will make wonderful Christmas presents for relatives, friends or yourself. Please take a look.
Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2024
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Hilarious…” global warming nutters”. Dr. Coleman and I would get along just fine . 😁
Love you Doc. Keep throwing heaters. These bastards will eventually self-immolate 🔥🔥🔥