I have reposted this article from April 14, 2022 because no one read it then, and maybe I will be able to say no one read it now either.
Here goes.
Article begins in 3, 2, 1
Victor Davis Hanson, military historian, Scholar of Ancient Warfare, and in general one of the sharper guys out there anywhere has written an important column, “Loose Nuke Talk.”
I would advise everyone to read it. I was a little surprised that he did not include comments about how at one time in the early 90s, Ukraine was the third largest holder of nuclear weapons on the planet, ahead of China and yes, Israel.
Of course that was then and this is now.
We did have the “Budapest Memorandum” in which primarily, the US and Russian Federation guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and borders, but obviously, you just don’t make deals with the Russians, unless you want to see them broken.
Remember Reagan’s INF Treaty? Yep, the Russians (Soviets) broke that one too, before the ink was even dry.
“The Soviets secretly deployed the SS-23s in East Germany, Czechoslovakia
and Bulgaria in 1986. In the event of war in Europe between NATO and the
Warsaw Pact, they would have given the Soviets a clear military advantage by
allowing them to launch a surprise nuclear strike at the heart of NATO
forces in Germany.”
“Under the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Agreement signed in
Washington, D.C., on Dec. 8, 1987, President Reagan and General Secretary
Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to destroy all existing theater nuclear missiles in
Europe, including all SS-23s.”
“While the Soviets allowed U.S. inspectors to witness the destruction of
the longer-range SS-20 missiles, which constituted the bulk of their force,
they secretly rushed several batteries of the shorter-range SS-23s to East
Germany, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria just prior to signing the Treaty, and
never declared them or destroyed them.” -Worldnetdaily
Now, a short comment on where we are.
My concern is that enough of this "talk" about how Putin is going to resort to nukes is liable to get a whole lot of support for a western "Pre-Emptive Strike" going.
And maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what Putin wants, because with his good friends the Marxist Democrats in power, he gets what he wants.
So, we have one pre-emptive strike to prevent another, yes, World War III and every one gets their wish, except for us plebes, who don't get a "vote."
And Putin even has his excuse, “We had no choice, I have the documents and recordings that they were planning a ‘decapitation strike’ against Moscow.”
Now that wouldn’t be too difficult for him, because going back through history, I doubt that there is a single country we don’t have a decapitation plan for.
“Build Back Better”
But they won’t, they will build more nukes, the Russians and the Chinese never stopped, and aren’t ever going to stop, that much must be obvious at least, by now!
Not sure Putin wants a nuclear war. The coup in Ukraine belies the unprovoked narrative. The U.S. has been the sole superpower and world cop since 1992, as Putin asked in his 2014 Sochi speech “how has that worked out for the world?” I ask question “how has that worked out for Iraq Libya Afghanistan and many other wrecked countries?”
Idiots you don't mess with the Russian Bear. Did no one learn about them in WW11?