Labour Party decides to murder pensioners to boost Net Zero (All MPs who voted to freeze pensioners to death are cowards and murderers)
September 10. 2024 by Doctor Vernon Coleman
So, predictably, Keir `Free Suits’ Starmer, the murderer in chief, has won his sordid little vote in the House of Murderers.
Every Labour MP who voted to support Starmer’s policy to stop giving pensioners a few valuable quid towards their heating bills is a coward as well as a murderer – too frightened of losing their jobs to do the right thing. And the ones who merely abstained from voting are little better, because they didn’t have the guts to vote against Starmer’s plan to kill old people.
Three cheers for Jon Trickett MP – the only Labour MP who had the balls to vote for old people and against Starmer and Company.
It’s time to get rid of all political parties. All MPs should be independent and driven by compassion, decency, fairness and honour.
I repeat: every craven MP who voted for Starmer’s `Let’s Kill Some More Pensioners’ policy is a coward, a milksop, a namby-pamby, a yellow-belly, a sissy, a big girl’s blouse, a poltroon, a dingo and a candy ass funk. They knew that cancelling the winter fuel payment would result in many deaths. Starmer himself stated that it would kill thousands. That’s premeditated murder. If you do something knowing that it will kill people then you are a murderer. If,online, you recommend setting fire to a hotel then you rightly go to prison. But Starmer didn’t just talk about killing old people. He’s doing it.
Incidentally, pensioners over 73-years-old receive £8,000 a year – NOT the £12,000 a year that Starmer talks about. (I know because that’s what I get – after a lifetime of paying tax and national insurance.) Try eating and keeping warm on £8,000 a year when the local council and the BBC have taken a big chunk of what you get. (For the record I don’t watch television and don’t pay the TV licence fee.) Don’t expect to eat as well.
Politicians deliberately killed pensioners (and others) during the absurd covid fraud. And now they’re at it again. I believe that killing pensioners is part of the plan to take us through Net Zero into the Great Reset. And, of course, to pay for huge pay rises for well-paid trade union members such as junior doctors and train drivers.
In a few months we will be able to call all MPs who voted for this cruel decision murderers as well as cowards. And those who abstained from voting will be just as guilty.
Keir `Free Suits’ Starmer and Labour party leaders are just murderers, of course. (I call Starmer `Free Suits’ by the way because in the last Parliament he grabbed £76,000 worth of freebies including suits.)
The Labour Party would rather send billions of pounds worth of bombs and bullets to kill people in the Ukraine war than use a tiny part of that money to save British lives.
Here’s a new political message for the next election: `The Labour Party is the party that hates old people enough to kill them’.
Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2024
Read `Bloodless Revolution’ by Vernon Coleman. It includes two dozen life changing things we can do when we’ve got rid of the political parties. Revolutions are only impossible before they take place. Afterwards they were inevitable. You can buy `Bloodless Revolution’ via the bookshop on
And for the truth about Net Zero, read Jack King’s book `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’. We’re now fighting for our survival and our lives.
I have long admired the Brits and believe the nation will soon rally against this thinly disguised attempt at euthanizing their parents and grandparents, with non-violent-civil disobedience, sufficient to impress upon the MPs; the famous wisdom of Abraham Lincoln which holds, “I go for all sharing the privileges of government who assist in bearing its burdens.“ Britain’s elderly should enjoy the privileges of government in their golden years because they assisted for many decades in bearing its burdens during their younger years and are still irreplaceable for the country's well being.
God save Britain.