.... specifically, this report.
We will not tolerate a two-tiered system of justice, one for the wealthy and politically connected, and one for everyone else,” said House Committee on Ways and Means Jason Smith (R-Mo.).
Oh really?
Well, where are the articles of impeachment?
This document and investigation set forth 291 pages evidencing a long-term and corrupt scheme that enriched the Biden family to the tune of close to $30 million, essentially all of the operating income and wealth accumulated by the Bidens during that time sourced from foreign entities and another $8 million in "loans" from US Democrats, none of which has any evidence of being an actual loan as there are no such documents, no interest charged, and no repayments have been made.
In addition multiple US agencies, including the DOJ and FBI deliberately lied to Congress about all of it including providing inside information to the Bidens as to the scope and particulars of the investigation which no legitimate investigative and policing would ever do under any circumstances. Therefore we have the direct allegation that all of those agencies are criminally corrupt and are not in fact legitimate law enforcement or justice-related entities. In fact the allegation is that they deliberately allowed the Statute of Limitations to run on serious felonies for the explicit purpose of preventing the Bidens from being prosecuted and despite having in hand hard evidence of said criminal conduct.
Now let's do illegal immigrants.
8 USC 1324 makes clear that aiding an illegal immigrant is a felony. That includes providing transportation, housing or employment to someone who you knowingly, or with reckless disregard for the fact that said person entered the nation illegally. If you do that you have committed a felony punishable by five years (in the case of employment) or ten for all other instances in prison and, if said illegal commits a criminal act resulting in the death of an American the penalty is life in prison. This law has been on the books since the 1950s so exactly why is it that zero such prosecutions have taken place? It would cost a literal zero to deport all of the illegal aliens in the United States if we locked up the Americans providing them with employment, housing and transportation as is required by long-standing federal law because nobody would do 10 years in prison so they could hire illegal aliens to roof houses and work the fields -- they'd all leave immediately and voluntarily as they'd have no way to earn money and nowhere to sleep.
Or how about seed oils? They were known dangerous when a study done in the late 60s/early 70s was completed in Sydney and increased the all-cause risk of death among people who had already had a cardiac event by 62%. That study was deliberately buried until 2013, when it was analyzed and reported out -- and has been ignored for the ten years since! Yet you're told to deliberately consume these oils in preference to animal fats by the medical profession and an entire section in your grocery store is full of them, never mind being in virtually every packaged "food" in said store -- yet they were shown to cause death and, of course, lots of spending on medical procedures along with drugs and the attendant misery first. That's deliberate folks and yet -- how many physicians, hospitals pharmaceutical firm executives, restaurants and package food producers, all of whom profit mightily from that suffering and death, have gone to prison for this? Zero. Deliberate maiming and manslaughter for money is not punished even when its proved that the data was there and corruptly suppressed, as was the case with sugar, the Keyes study and more. It is this deliberate act that has driven the cost of medical care from 4-5% of GDP to around 21% today and yet nearly half of all adults are either diabetic or pre-diabetic with the average number of prescriptions a 60 year old takes numbers four.
Oh while we're at it the risk of Covid killing or permanently injuring a metabolically-healthy person was much less than you accept from motor vehicles every year. This was known in the first two months. For metabolically ill people the risk was massively higher. Among those 80+ in NY, for example, who did not have one of a very short list of metabolically-linked conditions covid only killed a single digit number of said persons over the space of six months. If this, coupled with the use of worthless "treatments" that did nothing but wildly increase the bill (and then you died anyway) isn't "manslaughter for money" would you mind telling me what is?
Tell me how these problems are remedied by "voting" given that there are no articles of impeachment attached to the first and neither party has done the second across roughly seven decades and in fact the Congress won't even zero the appropriations of every single involved agency and entity, which they have the absolute power to do, and further they can do so and refuse to take up any other action until and unless that is confirmed by the Senate and accepted by the Administration. As the power of the purse and legislative calendar rest specifically and exclusively in the hands of Congress there is no means for the Administration to override or preempt any of that.
What peaceful option remains to address this sort of looting at the direct expense of the United States for the benefit of foreign interests and the current President and his family when both parties do nothing more than issue 200-page reports, never mind the wild-eyed escalation of housing, food and other costs caused directly by the 20 million illegals competing for limited resources?
Is there one?
Lard and butter we were told were bad for us, now people buy seed oils at outlandsih prises. Bacon grease is my favorite. Doctors sold a falsehood to sell cholestrol drugs.
"Is there one?"
The Monster has emerged from behind the curtain. It doesn't care that we know what it is, what it has planned for us. That tells me the plan is in endgame, after a century+ in the making. And once the USA falls, the rest of us will follow in short order.
No-one is coming to save us.
No champion will infiltrate the DC-Sewer(TM) and battle on our behalf.
Per a 33rd Degree Mason named Albert Pike, the enemy will provide us with apparent 'champions' to sustain the Kabuki Theatre. To keep us in the blocks while we believe someone else will do the heavy lifting.
Truth be told a tiny % of the USA population could have sacked the DC-Sewer long ago.
And taken down The Monster's heaviest hitter (from a corrupt global mall cop POV). Gone much of the way to freeing the world.
The enemy controls all the nodes, the MSM, the new Mockingbird media, all the Organs we depend on in our confected societies.
The idea any of it can be redeemed from the inside is fantasy; which is itself a part of the cul-de-sac where they trap idealism and tether it to debt slavery for a lifetime. Hard to be an idealist when you have a mortgage. Hard to do anything other than spin and spin on that hamster wheel.
The solution is in forgetting all of the conditioning they have been madly applying against us for a lifetime. And by internalising the fact they wish to kill or enslave every single one of us, soon.
In understanding that we are not the helpless baby elephants that were tethered with a chain, conditioned to captivity such that as adults are confined by a mere rope (and memories).
We are grown, and the only tether is in our heads.
In our hearts we know what has to be done.
Be safe, everyone. And be ready.